
2008-12-25 9:29 am
The captain agreed,but insisted that that pass had to be signed by the Port Governor.Hearing this,D'Artagnan hurried away and waited amongst some trees for the gentleman to come back with the signed pass.He had to have the Cardinal's pass.Naturally,the man refused to give it up,and D'Artagnan had to fight him for it.They fought fiercely for some time before the man at last gave in and handed over the precious piece of paper.
Breathing hard,D'Artagnan thrust the pass into his pocket and went to find a ship to take him to England.
The ship D'Artagnan chose had scarcely left harbour when a cannon boomed out.The port had been closed.He had only just been in time.Worn out,D'Artagnan slept while the ship sailed across the Channel.In the morning,he watching eagerly while the vessel dropped anchor in Dover.Soon he was on his way to London.
The young Frenchman knew no English,but he had the Duke of Buckingham'a name written on a piece of paper.He was soon directed to the Duke's home,for everyone in London knew him.When he heard that.
D'Artagnan had come,the Duke saw him at once.He remembered him from their meeting in the dark streets of Paris.
His face became grave whem D'Artagnan told him of the Queen's danger.
'We must return the diamond studs to her.Louis must not find out she gave them to me!'he exclaimed.He unlocked the box in which they lay,with a kwy from a chain he wore round his neck.As he lifted the diamonds out,he gave a startled cry.
'Two of them are missing!'
'Can you have lost them,my lord?'D'Artagnan asked anxiously.
'They have been stolen,'the Duke replied grimly.He showed D'Artagnan where the ribbon holding the two missing studs had been cut.
'Wait!'said the Duke.'I remember now.I wore them only once,at a Ball in London.Milady de Winter was there.She has never liked me,but she unusually friendly.I wondered why.She must have taken them.She must be an agent of the Cardinal.'

回答 (4)

2008-12-27 11:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
The captain agreed,but insisted that that pass had to be signed by the Port Governor.Hearing this,D'Artagnan hurried away and waited amongst some trees for the gentleman to come back with the signed pass.He had to have the Cardinal's pass.Naturally,the man refused to give it up,and D'Artagnan had to fight him for it.They fought fiercely for some time before the man at last gave in and handed over the precious piece of paper.

Breathing hard,D'Artagnan thrust the pass into his pocket and went to find a ship to take him to England.

The ship D'Artagnan chose had scarcely left harbour when a cannon boomed out.

The port had been closed.He had only just been in time.Worn out,D'Artagnan slept while the ship sailed across the Channel.In the morning,he watching eagerly while the vessel dropped anchor in Dover.Soon he was on his way to London.

The young Frenchman knew no English,but he had the Duke of Buckingham'a name written on a piece of paper.He was soon directed to the Duke's home,for everyone in London knew him.When he heard that.

D'Artagnan had come,the Duke saw him at once.He remembered him from their meeting in the dark streets of Paris.

His face became grave whem D'Artagnan told him of the Queen's danger.

'We must return the diamond studs to her.Louis must not find out she gave them to me!'he exclaimed.

He unlocked the box in which they lay,with a kwy from a chain he wore round his neck.As he lifted the diamonds out,he gave a startled cry.

'Two of them are missing!'

2008-12-27 03:28:47 補充:
'Can you have lost them,my lord?'D'Artagnan asked anxiously.

2008-12-27 03:29:02 補充:
'They have been stolen,'the Duke replied grimly.He showed D'Artagnan where the ribbon holding the two missing studs had been cut.

2008-12-27 03:29:20 補充:
'等一等!!'公爵說'而家我記得喇,我只係帶過一次咋,係喺倫敦嘅舞會裡面.de Winter夫人都喺嗰度架,佢係唔會鍾意我,但係佢對我好友善.我知道點解喇.一定係佢偷嘅.佢一定係Cardinal嘅間諜.'

2008-12-27 03:30:12 補充:
參考: me, me, me, me, me
2008-12-25 6:59 pm
上尉同意,但是坚持,那張通行證必須由口岸Governor.Hearing簽字這, D'Artagnan匆匆离去并且在有些樹之中等紳士回來與簽字的通行證。他必須有主教的通行證。自然,人拒绝放弃它,并且D'Artagnan必須為它與他戰鬥。在為時的人屈服了并且移交了珍貴的纸之前,他們有一段時間了劇烈地戰鬥了。
呼吸艱苦, D'Artagnan推了通行證入他的口袋并且去發現船把他带到英國。
當大砲发生了低沉的声音,船D'Artagnan選擇了缺乏地有左港口。口岸被關閉了。他只按时。用完, D'Artagnan睡覺了,当船橫跨Channel.In航行了早晨时,他熱切地觀看,当在Dover.Soon的船被投下的船錨他在他的途中到倫敦时。
他的面孔成為了嚴重whem D'Artagnan告訴了他女王/王后的危險。
『我們必须退回金剛石螺柱到她。路易斯不能发现她給了他們我! 『他驚嘆了。他打開了他們放置的箱子,與一kwy從他佩帶圍繞他的脖子的鏈子。因为他举起了金剛石,他給了被震驚的啼聲。
『他們被竊取了, 『公爵冷面回復。他顯示了D'Artagnan拿着二個缺掉螺柱的絲帶哪里被切開了。
『等待! 『公爵說。『我現在记得。我在London.Milady de Winter只曾经佩帶了他們,在一個球在那裡。她從未喜歡我,但是她顯著地友好。我為什麼想知道。她一定採取了他們。她必须是主教的代理』。.
2008-12-25 4:12 pm
'你失去了他們,我的老爺? '德玫瑰焦急地問。
'他們已經被盜, '公爵回答grimly.He顯示,德玫瑰在那裡舉行剪彩兩名失踪螺栓已被切斷。
'等等!說,杜克大學。 now.I我記得他們只能穿一次,在一個球London.Milady的冬季是there.She從來沒有喜歡我,但她不尋常friendly.I想why.She必須採取them.She必須是一個代理人的樞機主教。
2008-12-25 9:37 am
上尉同意,但是堅持,那張通行證必須由口岸Governor.Hearing簽字這, D'Artagnan匆匆離去並且在有些樹之中等紳士回來與簽字的通行證。他必須有主教的通行證。自然,人拒絕放棄它,並且D'Artagnan必須為它與他戰鬥。在人在為時屈服了並且移交了珍貴的紙之前,他們有一段時間了劇烈地戰鬥了。
呼吸艱苦, D'Artagnan推了通行證入他的口袋並且去發現船把他帶對英國。
當大砲發生了低沉的聲音,船D'Artagnan選擇了缺乏地有左港口。口岸被關閉了。他只按時。用完, D'Artagnan睡覺了,當船橫跨Channel.In航行了早晨時,他熱切地觀看,當船被投下的船錨在Dover.Soon他在他的途中到倫敦時。
他的面孔成為了嚴重whem D'Artagnan告訴了他女王/王後的危險。
‘我們必須退回金剛石螺柱到她。路易斯不能發現她給了他們我! ‘他驚嘆了。他打開了他們放置的箱子,與一kwy從他佩帶圍繞他的脖子的鏈子。因為他舉起了金剛石,他給了被震驚的啼聲。
‘他們被竊取了, ‘公爵冷面回復。他顯示了D'Artagnan拿著二個缺掉螺柱的絲帶哪裡被切開了。
‘等待! ‘公爵說。‘我現在記得。我在London.Milady de Winter只曾經佩帶了他們,在一個球在那裡。她從未喜歡我,但是她顯著地友好。我為什麼想知道。她一定採取了他們。她必須是主教的代理’。
參考: ME

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