
2008-12-25 9:08 am
He paced up and down,thinking.The Ball,D'Artagnan told him,was in five days' time.If Queen Anne appeared with two of the diamond studs missing,the King's anger would be terrible.The Cardinal would have succeeded.The Duke stopped suddenly and turned to the young Frenchman.
'Five day-that's all the time we need!'he exclaimed.'I know what we must do.'
Bucking ham sent for his secretary,and issued an immediate order.No ships were to sail for France,for he believed Milady de Winter was still in London.Such was his importance in the government that the order was carried out without question.
Next the Duck called for his jeweller,and showed him the set of diamond studs.He promised the man he would pay him well to make two studs exactly like them.The muxt be finished within two days,and make so that no one could tell the new from the old.The jeweller agreed,and hurried away to start work.
'We are not beaten!D'Artagnan!'cried the Duke.
Two days later the new studs were ready.The Duke and D'Artagnan examined them carefully.They had been so well made it was impossible to tell they were not part of the original set.Now D'Artagnan could leave for France.
As his ship left Dover,he thought he saw Milady de Winter aboard one of the vessels which had not been allowed to leave port.His ship passed so quickly he had little more than a glimpse of her.Once across the Channel he set off for Paris as fast as he could.
Paris was full of talk about the Ball,at which the King and Queen would lead the dancing.More than a week had been spent in preparing the Hotel de Ville,with flowers and hunreds of candles.The King arrived to the cheers of the watching crowds.Soon afterwards the Queen also entered the ballroom.The Cardinal watched from behind a curtain.A smile of triumph came to his lips.She was not wearing the diamond studs.He was quick this out to the King.

回答 (3)

2008-12-25 1:33 pm
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He paced up and down,thinking.The Ball,D'Artagnan told him,was in five days' time.If Queen Anne appeared with two of the diamond studs missing,the King's anger would be terrible.The Cardinal would have succeeded.The Duke stopped suddenly and turned to the young Frenchman.
'Five day-that's all the time we need!'he exclaimed.'I know what we must do.'
Bucking ham sent for his secretary,and issued an immediate order.No ships were to sail for France,for he believed Milady de Winter was still in London.Such was his importance in the government that the order was carried out without question.
Bucking ham送出咗佢嘅幹事,同落咗一個好緊急嘅命令.冇船會去法國,佢相信de Winter夫人重喺倫敦.好似政府嘅一個命令冇需要問點解.
Next the Duck called for his jeweller,and showed him the set of diamond studs.He promised the man he would pay him well to make two studs exactly like them.The muxt be finished within two days,and make so that no one could tell the new from the old.The jeweller agreed,and hurried away to start work.
'We are not beaten!D'Artagnan!'cried the Duke.
Two days later the new studs were ready.The Duke and D'Artagnan examined them carefully.They had been so well made it was impossible to tell they were not part of the original set.Now D'Artagnan could leave for France.
As his ship left Dover,he thought he saw Milady de Winter aboard one of the vessels which had not been allowed to leave port.His ship passed so quickly he had little more than a glimpse of her.Once across the Channel he set off for Paris as fast as he could.
隻船離開Dover,佢諗住可以見到de Winter夫人踏上呢隻船呢個係一個唔可以離開嘅港口.當隻船過咗個海岸之後就開得好快佢有隱約見過de Winter夫人一眼.自從過咗個海峽佢就有咁快得咁快離開巴黎.

2008-12-25 05:33:28 補充:
巴黎個個都喺度講緊個舞會,國王同王后帶領個舞會開始.用咗一星期嘅時間去準備de Ville酒店,超過100個加咗花嘅蠟燭.國王進入會場d群眾歡呼.如快王后都進入會場Cardinal教主呢埋喺窗簾後面偷望.一隻微笑嘅手指喺佢嘅咀唇中攞出嚟(形容緊佢個衰樣).王后冇帶個鑽石鈕.佢好快咁從國王嗰度走咗出去.

2008-12-25 05:34:38 補充:
參考: me, me, me
2016-04-16 1:58 pm




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2008-12-25 7:01 pm
他踱步了上上下下,認為。球, D'Artagnan告诉他,是在五天的内。如果女王安妮出现與二金剛石散布失蹤,國王的憤怒會是可怕的。主教會成功。公爵突然停止了并且转向了年輕法國人。
『五-天-那我們一直需要! 『他驚嘆了。『我知道什麼我們必须做』。
送為他的秘書和被發布一個即时命令的頑抗的火腿。船不是法國的航行,為了他相信Milady ・ de Winter是仍然在London.Such是他的在政府的重要性命令被執行了毫無疑問。
『我們沒有被打! D'Artagnan! 『哭泣公爵。
作為他的船离开多弗,他認為他看見了Milady ・未允许离开口岸的其中一艘的de Winter船。他的船比瞥見通過了他那么迅速有少許更多她。一次橫跨频道他為巴黎一样快速地引起了,象他可能。
巴黎有很多談論球,國王和女王/王后會帶領跳舞。以上一個星期在準備花費了旅館與蠟燭花和hunreds的de Ville。國王到達了對觀看的人群的歡呼。不久之後女王/王后也进入了舞廳。觀看从帷幕的后面主教。勝利微笑來了到他的嘴唇。她沒有佩帶金剛石螺柱。他是快的這對國王。

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