
2008-12-25 8:50 am
'Madame,why are you not wearing the diamond studs?'the King demanded.
The Queen looked round,and saw the Cardinal.
'Sire,I was afraid they would be damaged in this crowd.I will send for them.'
While the Queen waited with her ladies in a side room,the Cardinal gave the King the box containing the two studs Milady de Winter had stolen from Buckingham.
'Ask the Queen where these two diamond studs have come from,'he suggested.
His triumph turned to rage when the Queen re-appeared,proudly wearing the set of diamond studs.All twelve were there!
'What does this mean?'the King asked,puzzled,pointing to the two the Cardinal had given him.The Cardinal thought quickly.
'I wished her Majesty to have them as a present.Not daring to offer them myself,I adopted this plan.'
'I must thank you,your Eminence,'said the Queen.Her smile showed she had understood the Cardinal's plot.'I am sure these two must have cost you as much as all the others cost the King.'
D'Artagnan had watched the Queen's triumph over the Cardinal.Apart from the King,the Cardinal and the Queen herself,he was the only one in the crowded ballroom who had understood what was happening.
Later,the Queen sent for him.She thanked him,and gave him a diamond ring.D'Artagnan put it on and returned to the gaiety of the Ball.He was will content.He was in favour with the King and Monsieur de Treville,and had helped his Queen when she friendship of three brave men,Athos,Porthos and Aramis.One day,he too would be a Musketeer,just like them.

回答 (5)

2008-12-26 10:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
'Madame,why are you not wearing the diamond studs?'the King demanded.
The Queen looked round,and saw the Cardinal.
'Sire,I was afraid they would be damaged in this crowd.I will send for them.'
While the Queen waited with her ladies in a side room,the Cardinal gave the King the box containing the two studs Milady de Winter had stolen from Buckingham.
當皇后喺隔離房等緊佢嘅朋友嘅時候,Cardinal教主俾咗個盒國王裡面係放咗兩粒鑽石鈕係de Winter夫人喺Buckingham度偷嘅.
'Ask the Queen where these two diamond studs have come from,'he suggested.
His triumph turned to rage when the Queen re-appeared,proudly wearing the set of diamond studs.All twelve were there!
'What does this mean?'the King asked,puzzled,pointing to the two the Cardinal had given him.The Cardinal thought quickly.
'I wished her Majesty to have them as a present.Not daring to offer them myself,I adopted this plan.'
'I must thank you,your Eminence,'said the Queen.Her smile showed she had understood the Cardinal's plot.'I am sure these two must have cost you as much as all the others cost the King.'
D'Artagnan had watched the Queen's triumph over the Cardinal.Apart from the King,the Cardinal and the Queen herself,he was the only one in the crowded ballroom who had understood what was happening.

2008-12-26 02:38:29 補充:
之後,王后召見佢,王后兔謝佢,同送咗一隻鑽石介指俾佢.D'Artagnan帶起隻介指好開心咁返返去個舞會.佢好滿足.佢對於國王同Monsieur de Treville好有好感,憑佢同3個勇敢嘅男士Athos,Porthos同Aramis嘅友情幫咗王后.終於有一日,佢會成為一個真正嘅火鎗手,好似其他嘅火鎗手一樣.

2008-12-26 02:39:19 補充:
參考: me, me, me
2008-12-25 7:03 pm
当女王/王后等待了與她的夫人在旁邊屋子时,主教給了包含二個螺柱Milady ・ de Winter的箱子從Buckingham竊取了的國王。
『要求這兩個金剛石螺柱来自的女王/王后, 『他建議了。
『我必须感謝您,您的卓越, 『說Queen.Her微笑显示了她瞭解主教的劇情。『我肯定這兩個一定花費了您和一样多所有其他花費國王』。
以后,為他送的女王/王后。她感謝了他,并且給了钻戒。D'Artagnan投入它的他并且回到了Ball.He的歡樂是將滿意。他是作为與國王和先生de Treville的厚待和幫助了他的女王/王后,當她三勇敢的人, Athos、Porthos和Aramis.One天友誼,他太會是步兵,像他們。
2008-12-25 5:07 pm
当女王/王后等待了與她的夫人在旁邊屋子时,主教給了包含二個螺柱Milady ・ de Winter的箱子從Buckingham竊取了的國王。
3『要求這兩個金剛石螺柱来自的女王/王后, 『他建議了
7我必须感謝您,您的卓越, 『說Queen.Her微笑显示了她瞭解主教的劇情。『我肯定這兩個一定花費了您和一样多所有其他花費國王』。
2008-12-25 4:15 pm
'夫人,你為什麼不戴鑽石釘? '國王要求。
'這是什麼意思? '國王問,不解,指著兩個紅衣主教給him.The樞機思想迅速。
'我要感謝你,你的尊敬,說笑著Queen.Her顯示,她的理解紅衣主教的陰謀。 '我相信,這兩個必須有你的費用多達所有其他費用的國王。
後來,英國女王送去him.She感謝他,並給了他一個鑽石ring.D玫瑰把它返回歡樂的Ball.He是將content.He贊成與國王和大人的Treville ,並幫助他的王后,她的友誼三個勇敢的男人,阿托斯,波爾托斯和Aramis.One一天,他也將是一個火槍手,就像他們。
2008-12-25 9:39 am
當女王/王後在旁邊屋子時等待了與她的夫人,主教給了包含二個螺柱Milady de Winter的箱子從Buckingham竊取了的國王。
‘要求女王/王後,在哪裡這兩個金剛石螺柱來自, ‘他建議了。
‘我必須感謝你,你的卓越, ‘說Queen.Her微笑顯示了她了解主教的劇情。‘我肯定這兩個一定花費了你和一樣多所有其他花費國王’。
以後,為他送的女王/王後。她感謝了他,並且給了鑽戒。D'Artagnan投入它的他並且回到了Ball.He的歡樂是將滿意。他是作為厚待與國王和先生de Treville和幫助了他的女王/王後,當她三勇敢的人, Athos、Porthos和Aramis.One天友誼,他太會是步兵,象他們。
參考: Me

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