
2008-12-26 6:51 am
clerk 職員
empliyee 員工


回答 (3)

2008-12-26 6:33 pm
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廣義言之:clerk = employee 都是被僱佣的人。

狹義言之:詳如下述 (僅述 名詞 之用法,請參閱附件網頁)

clerk:較屬於辦公室、商業行號之員工 。(拿月薪)

1. a person employed, as in an office, to keep records, file, type, or perform other general office tasks.
2. a salesclerk.
3. a person who keeps the records and performs the routine business
of a court, legislature, board, etc.
4. a member of the clergy; ecclesiastic.
5. a lay person charged with various minor ecclesiastical duties.
6. Archaic. a. a person who is able to read, or to read and write.
b. a scholar.

employee : 較屬於勞力工作 = worker工人。(拿工資)

Part of Speech: noun
Definition: One who is employed by another. 某人被另一人僱用
Synonyms: hireling, jobholder, worker

兩者大不同點在於受薪方式很不同。an employee 要是不出工,那天是無工資賺的。這樣解釋或許簡易點。

2008-12-26 10:35:53 補充:
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/clerk (字典)

http://thesaurus.reference.com/browse/clerk (同義字)
2008-12-26 7:10 am
1. clerk:
1-1 A person who works in an office, bank or law court. 職員、記帳員
如:He got a job as an accounts clerk. 他得到一份記帳員的工作。
1-2 someone who works in a store:店員
2. employee: A person who is paid to work for an organization or for another person. 為組織或他人工作,且有領薪水。員工
如:He is an employee of AA Bank. 他是AA銀行的員工
參考: collins
2008-12-26 7:03 am
Employee 是泛指所有各行各業 "員工"的統稱

Clerk: 一般指書記類的員工....Yahoo奇摩字典翻譯是 辦事員,職員;書記;記帳員, 【美】店員,銷售員

clerk還可以當動詞: 【美】當銷售員(或職員等)

以我念書的經驗...寫文章或報告 employee 比較實用跟常用.....一般
clerk 很少在用!!
參考: 自己&yahoo奇摩字典

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