is it cold in las vegas??? ppl in vegas pls. help?

2008-12-24 6:12 pm
i am going to vegas sat. sun. and mon. and i was wondering if it is going to be cold? i would like to know the weather in the daytime and in the nighttime. is it going to be raining? can someone pls. tell me fast correct answer gets 10 points!! and i checked on google i just want to make sure and i dont kno if that is accurate.. so um yea pls help!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (5)

2008-12-24 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Right now it's very cloudy and a cool 42, but it's not windy today. It's supposed to start raining later(50%) chance..Then 60% chance of rain tomorrow, along with high winds(40mph)

Saturday is supposed to have a high of 47 and low of 32, and be mostly sunny.

Sunday will be a little warmer at 51 for a high and 36 for the low, and again, mostly sunny

Monday is supposed to be around 55 and sunny, with a low of 39...

There is no call for rain Saturday, Sunday or Monday...

參考: Stuck my head outside & watching the local weather news
2016-12-11 5:55 pm
a million. during the day it replaced into interior the 70s or so and at night i think of it set out to the 40's. 2. Circus Circus is the closest undertaking to an amusement park. otherwise the manhattan and the Sahara the two have coasters. There are additionally some rides on the right of the Stratosphere. they don't seem to be coasters yet because you're on appropriate of the Stratosphere, they're distinctly candy. 3. There are some shows (in many situations interior the afternoon) that are family contributors friendly. incredibly some the night shows are 18+. merely seem for shows that play interior the afternoon. The link has a reliable variety of stuff which you would be able to get into.
2008-12-25 2:14 am
It is very coldl for Vegas and a projection of cold rain
2008-12-24 11:54 pm
cold today in Henderson real cold. heat on in the house and swet shirt. and i am still cold.
maybe the weekend gets nice but it is cold. real cold. not accustom to this cold.
rain do not worry. but cold yes. real cold.
參考: anthem, seven hills is my area
2008-12-24 6:38 pm
On the very far north of Las Vegas, Nevada, the temperature is going down.

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