
2008-12-25 6:11 am
1)John was sent to prison.

2)His mother went to the prison to visit him last week.

我想問一下 prison是一個地方來的 為什麼這個前不用加"the"?

但為什麼第2句 都是同一個地方 但為什麼要加"the"??

可以的話請用中文解釋!! thx!!!

回答 (1)

2008-12-25 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am sorry. I don't know much Chinese.

For some nouns, we don't use "the".

go to church
go to jail
was sent to jail
go to hospital
2)His mother went to the prison to visit him last week.

我想問一下 prison是一個地方來的 為什麼這個前不用加"the"?
His mother went to THE ( prison)...................
The = 特定指

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