英文的問題(Indirect into direct)

2008-12-25 6:03 am

Change the following statement into direct speech.
Our teacher told us that we had done well in our exams.

1. Our teacher said to us, 'You have done well in your exams.'
2. Our teacher said to us, 'You did well in your exams.'

我看過有關direct speech into indirect speech的書籍說:
verb:went (changed into) had gone
Help me!!

回答 (1)

2008-12-25 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
本來轉做indirect speech 的時候,past tense 和 present perfect tense 都是同樣轉做 past perfect tense, 例 :
1) " I went," she said ----->She said that she had gone.
2) "I have gone," she said----> She said that she had gone.
有時我們聽見別人說:" Well done." 即是某某做完事情,別人讚做得好,若仔細的說,應該是:" You have done very well.", 是用present perfect tense 的,因為那事情剛剛完成,即刻得到讚賞。
同樣,老師讚學生考試表現好,是剛剛考完這次試,即刻評價他們的表現,所以不能用 past tense 了,用第一句 persent perfect tense 才正確。

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