
2008-12-25 1:19 am
It was sunny yesterday so we went to the beach. We found part of a sandcastle and we decided to make bigger. Danny put sand in my bucket and I filled its with water. Nancy had some pebbles in her pocket.
She gave us some. Then we heard someone shout, 'Stop! What are
you doing? That's not ours. It's theirs!'We saw two boys. They were
carrying their buckets and spades and they looked angry. We ran
away but we did call, 'Sorry!We didn't know it was your sandcastle!' I
think they were happy to have their sandcastle back.

回答 (2)

2008-12-25 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
It was sunny, so I went to the beach with my friends yesterday.
When we arrived, we saw a part of a sandcastle. Danny, Nancy and I decided to make it bigger. Danny started putting some sand into his bucket and filling it up with water. Nancy found some pebbles and
put them into her pockets. When she saw us, she gave us some of them. Suddenly, we heard someone shout, " Stop! What are
you doing? That's not yours. It is ours!" then we saw two boys
walk toward us with buckets and spades in their hands looking very angry. We just ran away without saying sorry to them because we got so frightened.Anyway they had their sandcastle back.

2008-12-24 20:38:34 補充:
When we arrived, we saw part of a sandcastle. Danny, Nancy and I decided to make it bigger.

"a part of something" is different from " part of something.

a part of = 一少部分 part of= 一部分

2008-12-24 20:39:54 補充:
Of course, you may just say what 回答者: xangadtb wrote-- an unfinished sandcastle.

2008-12-24 20:41:02 補充:
That's not ours. It's theirs<------------You made a mistake in this part too!

2008-12-24 20:44:07 補充:
We ran
away but we did call, 'Sorry!We didn't know it was your sandcastle!<----You misused the verb" call" here which confused me.

If you guys did say sorry to those two boys then ran away, you may change it to

2008-12-24 20:47:15 補充:
We just ran away after telling them we didn't know it was theirs. Anyway they had their sandcastle back. What a day!

If you guys did not say sorry before running away, then you may just use my sentences above.

2008-12-25 2:36 am
It was sunny yesterday, so I went to the beach with Danny, Nancy.

When we arrived, we found an unfinished sandcastle, and decided to make it larger. Immediately, Danny filled my bucket with sand and I poured some seawater into it; Nancy gave us some of the pebbles she had in her pocket.

Suddenly, a moment before we had our hand onto the castle, we heard a voice shouting 'Stop! What are you doing? That's ours but not yours'. Soon we saw two young boys walking towards us, carrying their own buckets and spades with their angry faces.

All we could say was 'Sorry! We didn't know that it was your castle.', and then we ran away for the rest of the day.

I am sure they were glad to have their own sandcastle back!

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