唔識點做英文crossword puzzle功課哇,救命

2008-12-25 12:48 am
請英文生字高手幫忙,我唔識做以下既crossword puzzle功課,唔知道系咩英文字

1. a kind of soft ,flat South Asian bread
2. a thin Mexican pancake used for making tacos
3. a Japanese dish of deep fried vegetables or shrimps
4. a Japanese dish consisting of slices of raw fish
5.a kind of hot and sour soup


回答 (1)

2008-12-25 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
你無講英文字中包含幾多個字母, 所以存 d 答案有幾個可能. 我照列哂出嚟啦.
1. a kind of soft ,flat South Asian bread
naan, chapati, puri 或 roti
2. a thin Mexican pancake used for making tacos
3. a Japanese dish of deep fried vegetables or shrimps
4. a Japanese dish consisting of slices of raw fish
5.a kind of hot and sour soup
borsch, goulash
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 11:52:18
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