好驚自己有糖尿病 Help

2008-12-24 8:24 pm

回答 (5)

2013-06-03 6:00 am
飲食控制 :
1.選低升醣指數(低GI)如糙米 燕麥(片)...其他任何未加工穀類 可穩定血糖波動
2.少吃.最好不吃甜食及 任何過度加工穀類 如白飯 粥 白麵條 麵包 蛋糕..

以糖化血色素(HbAlc)7 之糖尿病人為案例,同樣一碗白飯 飯後2小時為180-200/dl,同樣一碗糙米飯 飯後2小時為120-130/dl,飯後2小時正常值為〈140mg/dl,主食完全改吃低升醣指數(低GI)如糙米 燕麥(片).任何未加工穀類 可穩定血糖波動是有科學根據的
請諮詢營養師或進一步了解 請上網查詢關鍵字:『GI』『胰島素減肥』
2009-01-02 9:44 pm
Hi, I'm sorry that I can't type in Chinese, but hopefully I can answer to your question.

Basically, diabetes is classified in 3 main categories: type 1 (insulin dependent diabetes IDD), type 2 (non-insulin dependent diabetes NIDD), and gestational diabetes.

In type 1, the pancreas can't produce or not produce at all insulin (hormone signals body cells to pick up blood sugar as energy). In type 2, insulin is made but it becomes resistant to the body cells (or less sensitive to the cells). In both cases, blood sugars accumulate in the body; thus the body blood sugars become high throughout the day. Type one is usually related to genetic, whereas type 2 is more related to overweight and obesity.

Syptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) are frequent thirst, urination, dizziness. And in long term, chronic high blood sugar increases risk of heart disease.

Anyway, the information I mention above is only to describe the disease itself. It might not related to your case.

As you said, you are only 15, thin, but have a family history of diabetes. Honesty, the symptoms you wrote are quite vague. To know if you are diabetes or not, the only solution is to see your family doctor, ask him or her to prescribe you a blood test.

Usually, if it's the first time you check your blood glucose, they usually ask you to fast (not eat for about 12 hrs), and normally you should be around 4-7mmol/L for blood glucose. However, if you are higher than this range, you might need to do a second test, which might require you to drink something like an orange juice, then you wait for about 1-2 hours.

What I suggest you now is to not worried that much. If you are really in concern, go to see the doctor and ask to do the blood test as I descripted earlier.

Good luck! :)

2009-01-02 13:53:10 補充:
sorry i forget to mention that other than checking blood glucose from the blood test, Ha1C (hemoglobin which reflects your blood glucose level for the last 6-7 months) will be also checked too.
2008-12-25 10:13 pm
身體免疫能力唔好, 營養、睡眠不足, 消化系統, 血壓問題, 血液循環唔好, 留意飲食和運動固然重要, 都要配合營養使細胞基底層得到改善, 才會治本, 更需要均衡飲食,可以用營養早餐(有多種維他命及礦物質和草本纖維等) !

仲有, 加上飲用濃縮蘆薈汁(又名無形膠布有修補由口腔到肛門作用)淨化身體, 改善腸胃環境(補充酵素), 消炎消腫, 《平衡血糖》, 記得每日飲夠三至 四公升 水來排毒!

如果想透過營養飲食去改善, 你係認真的話,可以email 俾我 [email protected] 等我幫吓你!
2008-12-24 11:26 pm
參考: hk.geocities.com/chaumed
2008-12-24 10:20 pm

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