英文文法問題 40分

2008-12-24 7:47 pm
Well, it's doesn't matter, because I'm still better than you.


回答 (5)

2008-12-24 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, it's doesn't matter, because I'm still better than you.( your sentence)
I have found two mistakes.

1) It should be " it doesn't matter".
"matter" is the main verb and " do" is a helping verb.
doesn't <------------( negative)

2) You don't need a comma before the conjunction " because".

Corrected sentence:
Well, it doesn't matter because I am still better than you.

That's it.


2008-12-24 13:01:09 補充:
More information for you:

I don't (do= helping verb) understand( main verb) . CORRECT!

I am( helping verb) don't ( do = helping verb) understand( main verb). WRONG!
2008-12-24 9:04 pm
it's doesn't matter <--- 文法錯了
it's doesn't matter =it is does not matter
此句的 is 和 does 也是動詞(verb)
在英文文法上,兩個verb 並不能夠放在一起
e.g. I am help you. (wrong)
I am helping you. (correct)
I help you. (correct)
因此 Well, it's doesn't matter-->Well, it doesn't matter
參考: me
2008-12-24 7:58 pm
It is wrong. It's is the abreviation of it is . If we use &quot;it is&quot; here, then it is wrong.
&quot;Well, it is does not matter, because I am still better than you.&quot;
It should be:
&quot; Well, it doesn&#039;t matter, because I&#039;m still better than you.&quot;
參考: Myself
2008-12-24 7:54 pm
應該係 Well, it doesn't matter, because I'm still better than you
---->it's 嘅 is 同 doesn't 嘅 does 都係 verb,
參考: myself
2008-12-24 7:51 pm
it's doesn't matter應轉為it doesn't matter

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