help me 改英文文法. 高手請進 急急

2008-12-24 6:28 pm
Nowadays,many teenagers face Problems,specially Secondary five
students.Secondary five students face HKCEE examination.It is very
important for Secondary five students because this exam may affet
their future.Ithink they feel stressed.

Firstly,Secondary five students face family's problem.Some students
are very poor,so their parents cannot afford students a quiet place
for them to study.They only study in stateroom,but stateroom is very
noisy.This noisy annoy they to study,so they feel nervous and
stressed.I suggest they go to the liabrary to study.There is very quiet.
I know Secondary five students need a quiet place to review and do
homework,so I think library is a good place.

Secondly,Secondary five students worry the HKCEE examination,so
they feel stressed and they always worry fail the HKCEE examination,they don't know choose which job.They feel lonely because they
think have no one to talk to,so they keep many secrets.As long as
they study hardworking,Ithink they don't worry about it.If they have
any problems,they can talk to their best friends or teachers.

Eventually,they face peer group pressure because they may play with bad friends.Their bad friends take them to do the illegal thing such as
your bad friends demand you try the drug.I think you should heat
out of youfriendsr bad.

請以以下方法改文 , THANKYOU .

In my opinion, I think .... 這是香港學生(甚麼大部份香港人)時常犯之語病。 In my opinion是我認為 / 在我而言的意思﹐不要再寫上I think這不必要之主語

We cannot use paper ..... 在這文中是錯的﹐應該用need not

回答 (3)

2008-12-30 12:57 am
Hi,superschoi :

In my opinion, I think .... 這是香港學生(甚麼大部份香港人)時常犯之語病。 In my opinion是我認為 / 在我而言的意思﹐不要再寫上I think這不必要之主語
2008-12-24 8:03 pm
Nowadays, many teenagers face a lot of problems, specially the form five students. Form five students have to face HKCEE examination.It is very important to form five students because this exam may affect
their future. I think they feel stressed about that.

Firstly, form five students face family's problem.Some students' families are very poor,so the parents cannot provide a quiet place for their sons / daughters to study. These students can only study in staterooms which are usually very noisy.The noise would disturb their study, so they would feel nervous and stressed. I suggest they can go to study in the libraries which are very quiet. I know form five students need quiet places to review and do homework, so I think library is good place for them.

Secondly, form five students worry the HKCEE examination, so
they feel stressed and always worry themselves would fail in the HKCEE examination. They don't know how to choose their job in the future. They feel lonely because they usually find no one to talk to, so they would keep many secrets. As long as they can keep hard-working,I think they no need to worry about it. If they have any problems, they can talk to their best friends or teachers.

Eventually, form five students face peer group pressure because they may know some bad friends.These bad friends may force them to do some illegal thing such as the bad friends ask them to try drug. I think everyone should say no to their bad friends.
2008-12-24 7:59 pm
Nowadays, Face in problem is not only adult; many teenagers also need to face in some of problems.

In my opinion, I think "HKCEE" is most important to them because it's may affect their future.

First, "Family problem" In HK, housing is a problem to effect some children, they didn't have their own rooms. The noisy will annoy their studies, so they better decided to study in the library.

Second, "Stressed and Shares" Some of the students worry about the examination, they didn't share their feeling to the other, so a lot of stressed will make them become quite. They better speak out their feeling and share to the one they trust.

Eventually, "Bad Friends" Some of them may face in peer group pressure, the bad friends will bring them to do some illegal performance, for example, they will chase them to take drug.

So, In my opinion, I will suggested they speak to their family and share to them what is happen in the day. As a parents, even they need to face in some problem, they can try to share with their children, better relationship is most important.

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