
2008-12-24 9:10 am

回答 (5)

2008-12-24 10:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you don't have any friends who are native English speakers or
you don't live in an English-speaking country, it will be very very hard for you to get rid of your accent. Umm.........
If you think a cool accent means that much to you, all you can do is to
watch more movies, listen to more English programmes and read stuff written by American writers.(If you'd like to stick to an American accent.)
Why do you have to read stuff written by American writers?
The answer is that you may have to learn some American words or even slang and throw them into your sentences here and there.
As for me, I have a very strong British accent because I grew up there.
Believe it or not, getting rid of your own Chinese accent will take a long time, besides you will have to speak English very often.
I have got a question for you. Do you think you will have the chance
to talk to native English speakers?

Anyway you really don't need to imitate any accent. I am quite certain that how well you speak English, it is what it counts the most.

Good luck to you!

Bye for now.
2008-12-24 10:56 pm
學音標, 學拼音,
2008-12-24 6:20 pm
Try to use this blog:


And listen to more english shows, like news or dramas.
Also speak more to foreigners.

2008-12-24 10:43 am
讲多D自然可以擺脫D口音 ga 啦
參考: me

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