whether 用法

2008-12-24 8:28 am


佢話whether係連接詞, 而且呢個比較特別, 要放係開頭

某同學 ::: 任何情況都要擺開頭?

老師 ::: 係,任何情況都要擺開頭

某同學 ::: 我見到有d whether可以擺中間既?

老師 ::: 果個係reported speech, 係另外一種grammer

咁係咪姐係解『是否』既whether,係一定要擺開頭?? 唔可以放中間?

回答 (3)

2009-01-01 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
解『是否』既whether,係一定要擺開頭?? 唔可以放中間?
The answer is NO.
Whether she comes or not, the party will go on.
The party will go on whether she comes or not.
(Both sentences are correct and neither of them is in reported speech.)

Whether used in reported speech
I asked her whether she enjoyed the movie. (This is reported speech)
I asked her, "Do you enjoy the movie?" (Direct speech)

Whether used as the subject of a sentence
Whether she comes or not is of no importance to our party.
("Whether she comes or not" is the subject of the sentence.)

2009-01-01 01:26:27 補充:
Some comment on the verb "doubt" as used by 001 in his answer.
doubt = do not believe
I doubt we can do any better.
but not
I doubt whether we can do any better.

2009-01-01 01:27:28 補充:
001 may mean
I wonder whether we can do any better.
2009-01-02 9:52 am
"I asked her whether she enjoyed the movie. (This is reported speech)"..?!
A direct speech..I asked............

2009-01-02 02:01:52 補充:
"I asked her whether she enjoyed the movie. (This is reported speech)"..?!???

A direct speech,use the speaker's exact words (direct speech) as !I asked her ..........."
2008-12-24 9:37 am
咁係咪姐係解『是否』既whether,係一定要擺開頭?? <----Your doubt

My answer to your question is NO.
-Whether or not she has come.I doubt whether we can do any better.(Front) 是否

- I am asking her whether she enjoyed the movie.( middle)
This is not a reported speech.
For futher information, please go to the website below.
Check out 1-5.


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