What is this chinese character?

2008-12-23 4:05 pm
my sister got this bowl thing with a lid on off my grandma for christmas (she likes to open her presents early) and my grandma said that it was my sisters name written on the front....

then behind my grandmas back i said thats impossible it cant be your name because its only 1 character and the chinese language doesnt have 1 character for the name 'emily'.

so now im determined to find out what it means and i have no idea... it has these characters in it...

土 - this one on top of the box one
口 -this one below that one ^
幸 - this to the right of both of them


so it looks like that but with the 幸 charcter a bit longer

any ideas?? thanks =D

回答 (4)

2008-12-23 4:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I've searched for it and I can't find any such character.

Are you sure that the radical (characer) on the left is like 吉? Could it be 言? As for the one on the right, is it 幸? Could it be 羊?

Could the character be 喜?
2008-12-23 4:30 pm
ain't such character, somethng similar to this would be 喜 (xi) which means happiness。
2017-01-07 8:41 am
in case you have a sturdy chinese language instructor, she/he could desire to start up with simple characters, and injury down greater complicated ones into individual areas. There are the easy one- or 2-stroke characters, and the compounds, i.e. combination of two or greater simle stroke characters, and/or simple areas (additionally changed from the quicker)...this is perplexing to make it sparkling right here with out seen representation, yet once you learn and memorize the easy characters extremely nicely, it may make it much less annoying for you to "build" and memorize greater complicated ones. I believe different solutions that repetitive writing is likewise key. in simple terms think of what first to 6 graders do all day in chinese language basic colleges is writing chinese language characters, you will see how lots attempt it takes to income in simple terms 1000 characters. you apart from mght could desire to comprehend what you're writing.
2008-12-23 4:28 pm

吉 = [jz] lucky; auspicious; propitious.
幸 = [xing] good fortune; rejoice.

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