
2008-12-24 6:27 am
A motor car of mass 2000kg accelerates from rest at 3 ms-2 for 4s on a straight road. find the average useful output power of the engine of the car.

我想問點解用 power=force x velocity黎計唔得ge???

但係power=force x velovity 點解我唔可以直接搵個velocity出黎????

回答 (2)

2008-12-24 10:58 am
✔ 最佳答案

In this question, you can use the formula:
Power = Force x velocity

The above formula is suitable for "uniform velocity motion" and "uniform acceleration motion".

In uniform velocity motion, the velocity is a constant. The case is simple.

In uniform acceleration motion, the velocity is varied in uniform acceleration. The velocity used in the above formula is the "average velocity" of the motion, i.e.
Power = Force x (average velocity)

The question involves uniform acceleration motion. Therefore, "average velocity" should be used in the above formula. The average velocity can be calculated in either of the following two ways:

(1) Average velocity = (u + v)/2 = (0 + 12)/2 = 6 m s-1

(2) Average velocity = displacement/time = 24/4 = 6 m s-1

You have made confusion because you took v (the final velocity) as the average velocity.
2008-12-24 6:47 am
S = ut+0.5at^2
= 0 + 0.5(3)(4)^2
Power = force x displacement / time
= 2000x3x24/4
= 36000 W

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