關於 the 的用法@_@

2008-12-24 4:59 am
John was sent to prison.

His mother went to the prison to visit him last week.

我想問一下 prison是一個地方來的 為什麼這個前不用加"the"?

但為什麼第2句 都是同一個地方 但為什麼要加"the"??

還有...其實a an 在什麼時候才要用??

有時候將a跟the也亂了來用= =

希望用中文來解釋......我英文太不濟 會看不明= = thx!!!

回答 (1)

2008-12-24 5:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
a : 一件物件或一個人物

eg. Alice works in a bank.

an : ( 不是 'a ') 用於以 a / e / i / o / u 為開首的字前

eg. Do you want an apple or a banana?

* 注意 :

an hour h 是不發音的 : an ( h ) our

a university ( 發音為 yuniversity )

a European country ( 發音為 yuropean )

another ( = an + other ) 是一個字

eg. Can I have another cup of tea?

a / an : 用於說明某事物或某人物

eg. The sun is a star.

a / an : 用於表示工作等等

eg. Would you like to be a teacher?

the : 用於特別指明某物件或某人物 , 而談話中的雙方都知道所指的是甚麼

eg. Turn off the light and close the door. ( = 那房間的燈和門 )

* 注意 : 別忘記加上 the :

Do you live near the city centre? ( 不是 'near city centre ')

the same

eg. We live in the same street. ( 不是 'in same street ')

在下列情況必須用 the :

the sun / the moon / the world / the sky / the sea / the country :

eg. the sky is blue and the sun is shining.

( 一個城市或國家的 ) the police / the fire brigade / the army :

eg. My brother is a soldier. He' s in the army.

the top / the end / the middle / the left 等等 :

eg. Write your name at the top of the page.

( play ) the piano / the guitar / the trumpet 等等 ( 樂器 ) :

eg. Paula is learning to play the piano.

the radio :

eg. I listen to the radio a lot.

在下列情況切勿用 the :


eg. I watch television a lot.

但 ... Can you turn off the television ? ( = the TV set )

breakfast / lunch / dinner :

eg. What did you have for breakfast ?

next / last + week / month / year / summer / Monday 等等 :

eg. I' m not working next week.
參考: me

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