scrabble 英文串字遊戲玩法

2008-12-24 1:37 am
請問scrabble 英文串字遊戲的玩法 有無人指教下呢 ?

回答 (2)

2008-12-24 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

You may go to and find the game called "LITERATI" there.
This game is just like " scrabble".( except for one thing.
Some words can be used in Literati may not be allowed in scrabble and vice versa)
If you are the one who starts playing, you have to make a word
from the centre( y) up or down/ left to right.
If you are next to play, then you have to spell a word
with the letters on the board up or down/left to right too.
You are given seven letters ( some of them may be white tiles)
You use up all 7 letters, you get a bonus point of 35 along with the word you place onto the board.( you can even see how many points you have scored at the bottom of the board after you have made your move.)
***When you have white tiles, you may type in any letters you like .***
When you think your set of letters is bad, you may throw away the letter(s) you don't like or you may even exchange the whole set of letters.
Every colour letter represents different points. About these, I don't have to tell you because you will see a map there on the left showing everything on the board.
Also, on the board, there are 3w,3L, 2w and 2L.
3w= if your word lies on this spot, you score 3 times of the score.
2w = 2 times
2L= double the color letter points
3L = triple the color letter points.
Why don't you get your Yahoo ID and start playing and exploring?
Once you are in that game, you will learn how to play while playing.
It is not hard at all!

Have fun with the game!

Bye for now.
2008-12-24 1:38 am

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