
2008-12-24 12:33 am

你地好,我睇過你地的回答,我覺得uncle michael解釋得較為詳細以及步驟好鮮明,不過uncle michael 你個balance equation 個度個charge 好似唔balance喎,或者你可唔可以寫個chemical equation比我,多謝。

回答 (2)

2008-12-24 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

"Brown ring test" is used to test for aqueous nitrate ion.

Equal volumes of the unknown solution and dilute FeSO4 solution are mixed in a test tube. Then, the test tube its tilted, concentrated sulphuric acid is slowly added along the inner wall until a layer of concentrated sulphuric acid is formed. The test tube is then allowed to stand for a few minuites.

If the unknown contains nitrate ion, a brown ring is formed at the boundary of the two layers.

Consider the boundary. In the presence of acidic solution, nitrate ion acts as an oxidizing agent to oxidized some of the Fe2+ ions, and some of the nitrate ions are reduced to NO gas.
8H+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) + 3Fe2+(aq) → 4H2O(l) + 2NO(g) + 3Fe3+(aq)
NO(g) reacts with FeSO4 solution to form a brown complex.
FeSO4 + NO → FeSO4•NO
2008-12-24 1:04 am
Brown Ring Test can be used to test nitrate. Add FeSO4 to the sample and then run in concentrated H2SO4 slowly to form a bottom layer. A brown ring forms in present of nitrate.

NO3- + H2SO4 HNO3 + HSO4-
HNO3 + 3Fe2+ + 3H+ 2H2O + NO + 3Fe3+
FeSO4 + NO FeSO4 .NO (brown complex)

2008-12-27 15:48:00 補充:
NO3- + H2SO4 ----> HNO3 + HSO4-

HNO3 + 3(Fe2+) + 3H+ ----> 2H2O + NO + 3Fe3+

FeSO4 + NO -------> FeSO4 .NO (brown complex)

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