
2008-12-23 11:35 pm
'Will you help me?'begged Monsieur Bonacieux.'You are always with the Musketeers,who are enemies of the Cardinal.I thought you and your friends,while helping the Queen,would be glad to spoil his plans.'
'I will do what I can,'D'Artagnan agreed.'And if the man who carried off your wife is the man I thind he is,I will be revenged for what happened to me at Meung!'
D'Artagnan lost no time in telling Athos,Porthos and Aramis of the disappearance of Constance Bonacieux.
'This woman is in trouble because of her loyalty,'he told them.'I am also anxious about the Queen's safely.'
'I have heard people say she loves our enemies,the Spanish and the English,'said Athos.
'Spain is her own country,'D'Artagnan reminded him.'It is only natural that she should love the Spanish.As for the English-only one Englishman is involved,Buckingham,the King of England's chief minister.Now the Cardinal and his men seem to be using his admiration for his the Queen in some wicked plot.'
The Cardinal was their true enemy,the friends agreed.If they could spoil his plans,it would be worth risking their heads.The missing Constance Bonacieux was the key to the whole intrigue.She must be found,and they would do it together.
The four men stretched out their hands and shouted in one voice:
'All for one,and one for all!'
D'Artagnans task was to keep watch on Monsieur Bonacieux's apartments from his own room on the upper floor.Monsieur Bonacieux had been arrested,and the Cardinal's Guards were using his house as a trap.Anyone arriving there was taken away for questioning to see what they knew of the Queen's affairs.
Late one night,D'Artagnan heard cries from downstairs.Realising it was a woman's voice,he drew his sword and rushed to the rescue.The woman was Constance Bonacieux herself!She had escaped,and returned home.The Cardinal's men had followed her,but surprised by D'Artagnan's attack,they ran away.

回答 (3)

2008-12-24 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
'Will you help me?'begged Monsieur Bonacieux.'You are always with the Musketeers,who are enemies of the Cardinal.I thought you and your friends,while helping the Queen,would be glad to spoil his plans.'
'你可唔可以幫我呀?'Monsieur Bonacieux懇求地說'你成日都同d火鎗手一齊,佢哋係Cardinal嘅敵人.我諗你同你d朋友,在幫王后嘅同時,係會好樂意去破壞佢嘅計畫.'

'I will do what I can,'D'Artagnan agreed.'And if the man who carried off your wife is the man I think he is,I will be revenged for what happened to me at Meung!'

D'Artagnan lost no time in telling Athos,Porthos and Aramis of the disappearance of Constance Bonacieux.
D'Artagnan冇時間去話俾Athos,Porthos同Aramis知Constance Bonacieux已經失蹤.

'This woman is in trouble because of her loyalty,'he told them.'I am also anxious about the Queen's safely.'

'I have heard people say she loves our enemies,the Spanish and the English,'said Athos.

'Spain is her own country,'D'Artagnan reminded him.'It is only natural that she should love the Spanish.As for the English-only one Englishman is involved,Buckingham,the King of England's chief minister.Now the Cardinal and his men seem to be using his admiration for his the Queen in some wicked plot.'

The Cardinal was their true enemy,the friends agreed.If they could spoil his plans,it would be worth risking their heads.The missing Constance Bonacieux was the key to the whole intrigue.She must be found,and they would do it together.
Cardinal係佢哋真正嘅敵人,朋友們都認同.如果佢哋破壞Cardinal嘅計畫,就需要付出自己個頭做代價.失蹤嘅Constance Bonacieux係整個陰謀嘅關鍵.佢一定可以搵到,及一同聯手.

The four men stretched out their hands and shouted in one voice:'All for one,and one for all!'
嗰4個男人手拖住手一齊大叫:'All for one,and one for all!'(大約係兄弟同心,有你有我咁上下)

2008-12-24 01:45:17 補充:
D'Artagnan嘅任務係要監視住Monsieur Bonacieux嘅住宅而佢嘅房就喺上層.Monsieur Bonacieux又俾人捉咗,同時Cardinal嘅護衛又喺佢間屋設陷阱.每個人去到嗰度都好有疑問,對王后嘅事感到好奇.

2008-12-24 01:46:13 補充:
最後一晚,D'Artagnan聽到樓下有人喊.意識到係女人聲,佢拔出佢嘅劍好匆忙咁去拯救個女人.呢個女人就係Constance Bonacieux本人喇!佢已經逃走咗,同返咗屋企.Cardinal嘅人跟住佢後面,但係就俾D'Artagnan嘅攻擊嚇呆,然後就徹退.

2008-12-24 01:48:47 補充:
參考: me, me, me, me
2008-12-23 11:58 pm
'你能幫助我嗎? '求先生Bonacieux 。 '你是永遠的三劍客,誰是敵人Cardinal.I以為你和你的朋友,同時幫助女王,將高興地破壞他的計劃。

'我將盡我可以, '德玫瑰同意。 ' ,如果該名男子進行了誰是你的妻子的男人我thind他,我會報復對所發生的事情,我在Meung !

德玫瑰不失時機地告訴阿索斯,波爾托斯和阿拉米斯失踪的康斯Bonacieux 。

'這名婦女是在麻煩,因為她的忠誠,他告訴他們。 '我也很擔心女王的安全。


'西班牙是她自己的國家, '德玫瑰提醒他。 '這是很自然的,她應該喜歡Spanish.As的英文只有一個英國人參與,白金漢宮,英國國王的首席紅衣主教和minister.Now他的男子似乎是利用他的欽佩他女王在某些邪惡的陰謀。

紅衣主教是他們的真正敵人,他們的朋友agreed.If ,會破壞他的計劃,這將是值得冒著heads.The失踪康斯Bonacieux的關鍵是整個intrigue.She必須找到,他們將一起做。



德Artagnans任務是監視先生Bonacieux的公寓從他自己的房間裡上floor.Monsieur Bonacieux已被逮捕,和紅衣主教的衛隊正在使用他的房子作為trap.Anyone到達被帶走審問看看他們知道女王的事務。

參考: 自己
2008-12-23 11:40 pm
' 您是否將幫助我?' 乞求的先生Bonacieux.' 您總是以步兵,是Cardinal.I敵人認為您,并且您的朋友,当幫助女王/王后时,會是高興損壞他的plans.' ' 我將做什麼我能, ' D' Artagnan agreed.' 并且,如果運載您的妻子的人是人我他是的thind,我為什麼將復仇发生在我身上在Meung! ' D' Artagnan沒有丟失在告訴Athos、Constance Bonacieux失蹤的Porthos和Aramis的时刻。 ' 由於她的忠誠,這名婦女是在麻煩, ' 他告訴了them.' 我對Queen'也是急切的; s safely.' ' 我聽見人们說她愛我們的敵人,西班牙語和英國, ' 說的Athos。 ' 西班牙是她自己的國家, ' D' Artagnan提醒了him.' 只是自然的她應該愛英國的Spanish.As仅一個英國人是包含的, Buckingham, England'的國王; s首要部長。现在主教和他的人似乎使用他的傾慕為他的女王/王后在某一邪惡的plot.' 主教是他們真實的敵人,朋友同意。如果他們可能損壞他的計劃,它將值得冒他們的頭的風險。失蹤Constance Bonacieux是鑰匙對整體陰謀。必须找到她,并且他們將一起做它。 四個人伸了他們的手并且呼喊由一聲音: ' 所有一的和一个所有的! ' D' Artagnans任務是保留在Bonacieux'先生的手錶; 從他自己的室的s公寓在顶层上。bonacieux先生被拘捕了和Cardinal' s衛兵使用他的房子作为陷井。到達的任何人那裡被拿走了為了問能看見什麼他們知道Queen' s事理。 後一夜, D' Artagnan聽見了從樓下的啼聲。體會它是woman' s聲音,他畫了他的劍并且衝了對搶救。婦女是Constance Bonacieux! 她逃脫了,并且回来了在家。Cardinal' s人跟隨了她,但是驚奇由D' Artagnan' s攻擊,他們跑掉了。

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