
2008-12-23 11:16 pm
D'Artagnans heart swelled with pride.
'I am not yet a Musketeer,but at least I must be an apprentice.'
The affair caused a great fuss.Monsieur de Treville scolded his Musketeers in public,but congratulated them in private.The King heard of it and was so impressed by D'Artagnan's bravery that he placed him as a cadet in the Guards of Monsieur d'Essart.
From then on D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers were the greatest of friends.D'Artagnan learned about life in Paris,and about the Court of King Louis Xlll and the lovely Queen Anne.He was happy,and looked forward to the day when he too would become a Musketeer.
One day,while D'Artagnan was resting in his lodgings,his landlord,Monsieur Bonacieux came upstairs to see him.
'I have heard you are a brave young man,D'Artagnan.I need help.Constancee,my wife,had been kidnapped!'
'My wife is seamstress to the Queen,'Monsieur Bonacieux explained.'She is more than that.She is one of the few people the Queen can trust.'
D'Artagnan had heard a great deal about the Queen.She was a lonely woman.Everyone knew that the King no longer loved her.The Cardinal had once cared for her,but she had rejected him.Now he plooted jealously against her.The English Duke of Buckingham,a powerful man in the government of his own country,had fallen deeply in love with her.But England and France were not friendly.
Monsieur Bonacieux sighed.
'I think my wife was kidnapped to see if she would tell the Queen's secrets.Only the other day she told me the Queen is frightened.She thinks the Cardinal has witten to Buckingham in her name,to lure him to Paris and into a trap.'
'You think the Cardinal has taken your wife?'
'I fear so,'replied Monsieur Bonacieux.'One of his men was seen when she was carried off.He was a gentleman with a scar on his tample.'
D'Artagnan started up.
'That sounds like the man I met at Meung!'he exclaimed.

回答 (2)

2008-12-23 11:27 pm
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這一事件造成了巨大fuss.Monsieur日Treville罵他三劍客在公共,但祝賀他們在private.The國王聽說過,並留下了深刻的印象由德Artagnan's勇敢,他把他作為一個少年在衛隊的大人之Essart 。



'我聽說你是一個勇敢的年輕人,德玫瑰。 help.Constancee我需要,我的妻子,被綁架!


'我的妻子是裁縫的皇后, '先生Bonacieux解釋。 '她是超過that.She是少數人可以信任的皇后。




'你想紅衣主教已經採取你的妻子? '

'我擔心的話, '大人Bonacieux回答。 '他的一個男人,看到她進行off.He是一個紳士的疤痕,他tample 。


'這聽起來像我遇到的人在Meung ! '他喊道。

2008-12-23 11:36 pm
D' Artagnans心臟脹大充满自豪感。 ' 我不是步兵,但是至少我必须是apprentice.' 事理導致了巨大忙亂。de Treville先生公開責罵了他的步兵,但是私下祝賀了他們。國王聽說了它并且是,因此打动由D' Artagnan' s勇敢他安置了他作為軍校學生在d'先生衛兵; Essart。 從那時起D' Artagnan和三個步兵是最偉大的朋友。D' Artagnan得知生活在巴黎,并且關於路易斯Xlll和可愛的女王国王法院Anne.He是愉快的和盼望天,当他太會成為步兵时。 一天,当D'时; Artagnan在他的住所,他的房東, Bonacieux先生休息来看在樓上他。 ' 我聽見您是一個勇敢的年轻人, D' Artagnan.I需要幫助。Constancee,我的妻子,被綁架了! ' ' 綁架?' ' 我的妻子是裁縫给女王/王后, ' bonacieux explained.'先生; 她比那是更多。她是女王/王后能trust.'很少人的之一; D' Artagnan聽見了非常關於Queen.She是一名孤獨的婦女。大家知道國王不再愛她。主教曾经照料她,但是她拒绝了他。现在他嫉妒地plooted反對她。Buckingham英國公爵,他自己的國家的政府的一個強有力的人,愛上她深深地下落了。但是英國和法國不是友好的。 bonacieux先生嘆氣了。 ' 我認為我的妻子被綁架看她是否會告訴Queen' s秘密。只有她最近告訴了我女王/王后被嚇唬。她認為主教有witten到Buckingham在她的名字,誘使他到巴黎和入trap.' ' 您認為主教採取了您的妻子?' ' 我恐懼如此, ' 回復的先生Bonacieux.' 當她運載了,他的一個人被看見了。他是一個紳士以在他的tample.'的傷痕; D' Artagnan开始了。 ' 那听起来我遇見在Meung的人! ' 他驚嘆了。

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