
2008-12-23 9:37 pm
Then, I 'm going to buy a white and hard football for my brother.i think this football is made of plastic .
Next, I'm going to buy the PC games for my sister because she loves play the PC games.It's fifty dollars.Finally, I am going buy DVD. It's two hundred dollars.


回答 (2)

2008-12-23 9:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
she loves play the PC games 唔係loves play 係loves playing
PC games 唔好講pc games 講computer games 好d
It's fifty dollars 試下用 it costs fifty dollars
going buy DVD 唔係 going buy 係going to buy
It's two hundred dollars. 你呢句 都可以照番上面咁 都係用cost 都得..

2008-12-23 14:45:03 補充:
樓下個位 我想問下你知唔知咩叫passive voice?
is made係岩..
參考: 我d英文水平..
2008-12-24 4:39 am
To chunhimtang,

You have my vote. ^_^

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