✔ 最佳答案
1) clearly of better quality <~~點解??
顯然 是更好的品質。
2) adv + of + adj + n. <~~e 種句法點樣睇?!
This TV is clearly( adv) of better quality.
This sentence can be written as:
This TV is of better quality.( The adverb" clearly" is used to
emphasize " better quality" in the sentence ABOVE.)
adv + adj + n 唔會簡單d 咩?
These are really( adv) delicious( adj) apples( noun).
You are right about this being simpler.
It is just another sentence structure anyway.
more of 點樣用?比簡單例子
-I will need more of those English exercises for my test.
more of ( something) 指明--->those English exercises
- I will need more English exercises for my test.
more English exercises ( any ) 無指明--> English exercises
That's the main difference between these two sentences.