As per

2008-12-23 6:10 pm
What is meaning of "as per your request"?

回答 (3)

2008-12-23 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As per your request...即按照你的要求。

Yahoo 字典中有此例句:

The report was sent to the general manager as per your instructions.

2008-12-23 10:31:41 補充:

The figure per balance sheet...即根據資產負債表中的數字。

2008-12-23 16:19:56 補充:
注意 per是中性,沒有任何盲從或submissive的意味。
2008-12-24 6:29 pm
Answer: 跟據你的要求

有無想過幫自己找一位好的外籍老師學好英文的發音, 拼音, 文法和聽講?? 我的先生是位英國人, 現職是一位英文補習老師, 擁有國際認可的TEFL/TESL英語教學文憑及多年教學經驗, 可於任何時間上門替各學生或成人補習英文, 收費合理, 如有興趣可與本人聯絡:

胡小姐 電: 6278-7528
2008-12-23 11:17 pm
as per = following; in accordance with; pursuant to

as per your request = following/in accordance with/pursuant to your request

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