Insecure Internet activity ~~~

2008-12-23 4:57 pm
每次開 Internet Explorer的時候, Insecure Internet都會顯示 Insecure Internet activity , 導致不能瀏覽網頁. 故請教 各位, 如何才能解決此問題. 謝謝.

回答 (1)

2009-01-02 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Internet Explorer Threat of virus attack Alert Message:
The Internet Explorer message may include the following text:
Due to insecure Internet browsing your PC can easily getinfected with viruses, worms and trojans without your knowledge, andthat can lead to system slowdown, freezes and crashes.
Also insecure Internet activity can result in revealing your personal information.
To get full advanced real-time protection for PC and Internet activity, download IE Antivirus.
Here is a screenshot of an infected Internet Explorer browser:


How to Remove Insecure Internet activity. Threat of virus attack Alert:Download SmitFraudFix to your desktopRestart your computer in Safe ModeDouble click SmitfraudFix.exe from your desktopAfter the credits screen, Select the option number 2, "Clean (safe mode recommended)" from the menu and press Enter to delete infect filesSmitFraudFix will continue to clean your PC. When the process is complete, it will automatically start Disk CleanupOnce Disk Cleanup is finished, you will be prompted with the message "Registry cleaning - Do you want to clean the registry". Press Y and hit EnterSmitFraudFix will now check if wininet.dll is infected. If it is, the program will prompt to replace the infected file. Press Y and hit EnterA Notepad screen should appear containing a log of files
removed from your computer. If it doesn�t appear, a file will be created called
rapport.txt in the root of your local drive I.E: C:\ Navigate to C:\Windows\Temp, press ctrl+a to select all, hit Delete, and click Yes to confirm Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Temp, click Edit, press ctrl+a to select all, hit Delete, and click Yes to confirmRestart your PC, booting into Windows normallyNavigate to Windows Update and download all critical updates

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