
2008-12-23 7:07 am

回答 (4)

2009-01-01 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am 天主教徒 also, and sometimes people think you are DIFFERENT if you tell them you are a Catholic. this is because you believe in GOD---you have to go to masses, confessions, you have to pray, you have to learn to love the others, you are connected with the Church!

If you realise that people think that you are 'strange', that's normal. People do NOT understand why you choose to be controlled by all those commandments and God's greatest commandment of love, etc. this is due to their misunderstandings about the meaning of true meaning of love and freedom. True love comes of God, and the true frredom is in obeying GOd's commandmnets of Love because you are liberated from the worries, fears and so on caused by sinning.

So my friend, if people think that your religion is strange, you can try and FULFILL your own duties as a follower of Christ the LORD. In your daily life, love Him in your neighbours and do acts of RIGHTEOUSNESS. then people will not think you religion as strange, but as good, loving and right,

2008-12-31 17:14:06 補充:
God bless and hope you find my ideas useful!
2008-12-28 5:05 am
2008-12-23 7:50 am
2008-12-23 7:17 am
和他/她說: 天主教的人不是異類,怪物....... 信天主教的
參考: 自己

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