
2008-12-23 4:47 am











回答 (7)

2008-12-23 9:50 am
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On 19th Dec, your sudden departure made us really astonished.
We won't be able to see your face nor your cheesy smiles.
The saddest thing was I failed to see you for the last time before you left.
What a bad child I am!

I hope you will live with no regret. Don't you worry about
anything here after you left. I will surely take good care of my grandfather.

Also, I do hope that God will ease his soul and let him be happy for the rest of his life.
Grandmother, I love you.

A cute little puppy was born in the big house in our old town.
This baby puppy is full of emotions and he/she is so attached to people.

When I was about to leave there, I felt like I'd like to stay a bit longer.

I couldn't help thinking about ( you) my grandmother while I was looking out of the window watching the marvelous clouds beneath the plane I was on.
That's it.
Bye for now.
參考: I translated this into English all by myself.
2008-12-23 7:49 pm
12月19日,你突然的離去,令大家非常鄂然, 以後再也看不到你的樣子,看不到你的微笑, 最遺憾的是連你最後一面也看不到.我真不孝.
希望你能沒有遺憾,放心地走吧,我會幫你看好公公的, 也希望神能安慰公公的心靈,讓他快快樂樂走剩下的路
It was a surprise for your departure on 19th December. We gonna miss your every little move. The most miserable thing was not able to see you off infront of you, I'm such a unfilial grandchild.
We hope you'd left with no regret, I'll look after grandfather for you & hope God would comfort him and spent his rest of life happily.
I loved you, Granny.
在鄉下的大屋裹,誕下了一隻可愛的小狗, 非常熱情,很痴人
There is a lovely, passionate & very cute puppy born in the house of my hometown.
I just hate to go on my way returning.
The colorful cloud underneath the flight reminded me a lot about my grandmother.

2008-12-23 11:53:07 補充:
We hope you'd left with no regret, I'll look after grandfather for you & hope God would comfort him and spent his rest of life happily.

hope God would comfort him and SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE HAPPILY.
參考: Own
2008-12-23 6:37 am
We were all astonished to hear that you passed away(left) suddenly on the nineteenth of December and could no longer see your appearance and smile again. I felt very ashamed and pity that I could not have the last chance of visiting you before you left.
I hoped you had no regrets in your life and would look after grandfather. Please leave without any worry. I also hoped God will comfort grandfather's soul and lead him to spend the rest of his life happily. Grandmother, I loved you.

In the big house of our home where a puppy was just delivered, it was very warm and loved to play with poeple.

On my return trip, I missed everything. The clouds under the plane made me miss grandmother again.

2008-12-22 22:38:27 補充:
grandfather's soul

2008-12-22 22:41:03 補充:
2008-12-23 6:31 am
19th on December, your sudden departing made everyone shock .
we can’t see your face and smile anymore.
The most regretful is I couldn’t see you at last. I m not filial
I hope you don’t have regret, and go easily, I will take care grandfather
I hope god will console a heart of grandfather, let his rest of life is joyful.
grandmother I love you

In a big house at the countryside, a lovely dog was born there
very warm and friendly

I missed there when I left.
a cloud that under of plane, made me remember my grandmother.
參考: 自己作
2008-12-23 5:58 am

19th of December, you suddenly dissapeared, making everyone
very unhappy and in disbelief
we won't be able to see you again, won't be able to see your smile
the worst thing is that I couldn't see you at the last minute, I am bad
i hope you didn't have any thing ou needed to do, you may leave no worries, I shall look after grandpa
I also wish god could support grandpa's heart, and let him live
grandma I love you
In the big house on the valley, was born a cute little puppy
very warm and touching
going back gives me a feeling that I don't want to go
underneath the clouds, makes me think of grandma...
參考: me
2008-12-23 5:06 am
On December 19, your sudden departing, makes everybody very Hubei however

Later also did not look that again your appearance, does not look at your smile

Most it is a pity links you also not to look at the same time finally. I am really unfilial

Hoped that you can not regret, felt relieved walks, I will help you to favor the father-in-law

Also Greece observes the patient's expression can comfort the father-in-law the mind, lets road which he walks joyfully is left over

Mother-in-law, I loves you

Binds in the countryside big room, the birth has gotten down a lovable puppy

Very warm, very moron

Goes back the time somewhat is also reluctant to part feeling

Machine under cloud, makes me 咁 not to remember mother-in-law.
參考: me
2008-12-23 4:49 am
December 19, you have all of a sudden departure, we can come to a very natural E

Since you can not see the look of your face, do not see your smile

It is most regrettable that even the last time you also can not see. I really do unfilial

I hope you will not regret, feel free to go, I will help you optimistic about the father-in-law

Hope that God will comfort the soul of the father-in-law, he happily go the rest of the way

Mother-in-law, I love you

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