
2008-12-22 5:44 pm

to: jot1506 我唔係想要果啲 我要既係,如同個fd傾計(如下): A: 聽日我同啲朋友去唱K喎,你黎唔黎呀? B: 我聽日要同呀C去尖咀行街買野,或者我地買完野再JOIN埋你地一齊 唱K啦 A: 嗯好! 我就係想要類JOIN果啲日常用既單字,而口頭上又多用既

回答 (4)

2008-12-22 7:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
好多喎, 唔知你想知D乜好難講喎! 如果你係想去外國時問路或去餐廳食嘢時用, 希望下列例子可以幫到你:
1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to XXXXX? - 對不起, 你可以告訴我怎樣去XXXXX嗎?
2. Excuse me, could you tell me where is the washroom? - 對不起, 你可以告訴我洗手間在那裏嗎?
3. 兩位唔該 - Table for two(three, four etc.) please.
4. 埋單唔該 - Check please.
5. 兩個疍及煑法 - Two eggs, sunny side up(太陽疍), well done(煎熟哂), scrumbled(炒疍).
6. 打電話比酒店house keeping要求攞厠紙 - This is room XXX, can I have some more toilet paper(或盒裝紙巾 - box tissue) please?
7. 要求酒店morning call(例如7am) - Could you give me a morning call at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning?
8. 唔好意思, 請問呢樣嘢幾多錢? - Excuse me, could you tell me how much is this please? 呢句係當沒有售貨員在你旁邊serve你時用, 如果已經有人在serve緊你就講How much is this便可.
9. 我可以碌咭嗎? - Can I pay by my credit card?
但係如果你想同外國人日常對答同溝通, 甚至只係想喺日常同朋友同事傾謁時應用, 真係好難憑寫一堆出嚟就可以對你有幫助, 建議你日常睇多D英文報紙同書, 睇英文報紙對加你的詞彙及其日常用法好有幫助. 英文書可揀D趣味性嘅, 例如Harry Porter, 或者Chicken Soup Of The Soul(心靈雞湯, 是一本由好多感人真人故事所組成的書). 睇時不妨讀出聲, 可幫助你增加日常講英文嘅順暢程度. 重有睇多D英文節目, 睇時要眼到耳到同心到, 唔好淨睇中文字幕唔留意去對照英文對白, 有兩個英文字幕嘅英文時事節目, 一個係星期四夜晚9點亞視國際台嘅六十分鐘時事雜誌(在星期五深夜重播), 另一個係星期五晚上8點明珠台嘅20/20時事雜誌, 一路睇一路比對英文字幕, 可錄起慢慢睇, 遇上唔識嘅字又可定格查字典, 對增強日常以英文對話嘅能力有非常大嘅好處. 講出嚟可能會令你失望, 要可以講好D英文一定要打好基礎, 多讀多聽同够瞻多講, 冇任何速成方法.

2008-12-23 12:39:54 補充:
哦! 原來你想要D單字, 但日常港式廣東話(夾雜英文)會用嘅單字好多, 任何一個字都有可能, 真係好難盡錄.

2008-12-23 12:43:55 補充:
唔知搞乜補充寫幾隻字就話超額, 我試吓post落意見入便睇吓得唔得啦!

2008-12-23 12:48:21 補充:
多謝What is what24指正, 全部正確.

2008-12-23 12:51:23 補充:
况且同一個字或短句可以有唔同意思, 如果英文基礎打得唔好, 好易用錯地方, 如果係咁就更加突顯講嗰人嘅英文水平不佳, 咁咪重弊!

2008-12-23 12:52:47 補充:
我估你或者想識多D英文單字同朋友傾謁可以有"溶入群體"嘅感覺, 但係無論想學英文單字或整體地學好英文方法都係一樣並且冇捷徑.

2008-12-23 12:53:10 補充:
1. Feel - 感覺, 例: "亞A對B小姐有feel喎!" 或者"你feel唔feel到呀?"
2. Cake - 旦糕, 例: "我想食件cake."
3. Desert - 甜品, 例: "呢個buffet(自助餐)D desert好正!"
4. Warm - 溫暖(如果加呢個單字入廣東話中通常只用嚟形容感覺), 例: "收到佢張咭我覺得真係好warm!" 但如果話"今日天氣好warm唔使着咁多衫喎!"就會覺得好突兀.

2008-12-23 13:22:08 補充:
卒之post哂入意見欄入便, 再作少少補充, Whatiswhat24的指正是正確嘅, 講或寫英文有好易犯的common mistake, 最理想當然係可以用無瑕疵嘅英文啦, 但亦千萬不要因為咁唔敢講, 多睇多聽多講自然有進步!

2008-12-24 21:57:34 補充:
唔知點解每次只允許少得可憐的補充字數(以前可以400字), 所以諗到一個便寫一個, 希望你唔介意啦:
Enjoy - 享受, 例: 好enjoy同大班朋友去旅行, 但有D人會將呢個字當中文詞拆開用, 例如: 你en唔enjoy個演唱會啫? 咁就唔係幾好喇!

2008-12-24 22:20:44 補充:
可用嘅單字非常多, 實在真係不能盡錄, 老實講我覺得咁樣學英文唔係正確方法, D老師一定唔讚成, 只不過希望引起你興趣真係的起心機去學啫. 冇時間或唔想嘥錢去學住都盡量抽時間照我上面解答嘅方法做啦. 我會考嗰陣都係英文唔合格(重好鬼低分添), 因為算係半自學, grammer底真係差少少, 但在工作及同朋友溝通一D問題都冇, 更成為友人中嘅"人肉字典"同間中做兼職翻譯(同外國客人番大陸D廠做翻譯), 所以話今日英文唔好唔代表永遠唔好, 加油!

2008-12-24 22:21:40 補充:
P.S. 希望你唔好介意我離題.
參考: Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself
2008-12-24 6:35 pm
有無想過幫自己找一位好的外籍老師學好英文的發音, 拼音, 文法和聽講?? 我的先生是位英國人, 現職是一位英文補習老師, 擁有國際認可的TEFL/TESL英語教學文憑及多年教學經驗, 可於任何時間上門替各學生或成人補習英文, 收費合理, 如有興趣可與本人聯絡:

胡小姐 電: 6278-7528
2008-12-23 1:06 pm
Using your phrases as examples:

A: I'm going karaoke with my friends tomorrow, would you like to join us?

B: I already made plans to go shopping with C tomorrow. Maybe we could come by after we're done?

A: Awesome!

Let me know what else would you like to know and I'll help you translate.
2008-12-22 8:59 pm
To jot1506,

I've just found a common mistake in your sentences.

Please allow me to say something about them.

2. Excuse me, could you tell me where is the washroom? <-------

"where is the washroom" <----- is a question here.

2008-12-22 13:03:32 補充:
Would you PLEASE tell me where the washroom is?


Would you tell me where the washroom is, please?

" where the washroom is" <------- is not a question now.

2008-12-22 13:05:38 補充:
The same common mistake has been found in 8).

8. 唔好意思, 請問呢樣嘢幾多錢? - Excuse me, could you tell me how much is this please? 呢句係當沒有售貨員在你旁邊serve你時用, 如果已經有人在serve緊你就講How much is this便可.

2008-12-22 13:05:44 補充:
Would you please tell me how much this is?


Would you tell me how much this is, please?

"how much this is" <----------------- is not a question here.

2008-12-22 13:07:21 補充:
About the third sentence, I am afraid that you missed out the article"a".

3. 兩位唔該 - Table for two(three, four etc.) please.<--------

A table for two, please. ( " table" is a countable noun.)

2008-12-22 13:10:31 補充:
Speaking of 6) and 9), I would like to say one more thing.

"can' has been overused by some people.

" May I go to the toilet?" ( asking for permission)

is different from" Can I go to the toilet?".

The modal verb" can" mainly refers to " ability".

2008-12-22 13:13:08 補充:
Here is a conversation between a girl and her mother.

Girl: Can I eat the apple on the desk? = Am I able to eat the apple......?

Mother: You can, but you may not.( Her mother says she is able to do so, but she is not allowed to eat it.)

2008-12-22 13:15:16 補充:
That's what I have to say, folks.

By the way, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and (a) Happy New Year.


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