口譯 英翻中 求懂英國與美國歷史的譯者

2008-12-23 6:26 am
Last week, I had the pleasure of sharing with you an extraordinary anniversary in our common history. It was a privilege to join the commemoration of the Jamestown landing by that small group of British citizens all those years ago. My two days in Virginia gave me a new insight into those events, which helped to shape this country's development and to lay the foundations of this great nation based on shared principles of equality, democracy and the rule of law.

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2008-12-24 5:53 am
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Last week, I had the pleasure of sharing with you an extraordinary anniversary in our common history. 上星期,我十分榮幸與你們分享我們共有的歷史紀念日。

It was a privilege to join the commemoration of the Jamestown landing by that small group of British citizens all those years ago. 我十分榮幸能參與Jamestown的紀念活動。先前,是由一小群英國人登陸。

My two days in Virginia gave me a new insight into those events, which helped to shape this country's development and to lay the foundations of this great nation based on shared principles of equality, democracy and the rule of law. 我在維吉尼亞州的這兩天讓我對這些歷史事件有了新的見解,促進了該國的發展,為這偉大的國家建立了共享的價值,包括:平等、民主與法治。

參考: wiki
2008-12-24 9:57 pm
上個星期,很開心也很榮幸參與你我歷史都共誌的一個特別的紀念日─Jamestown 登陸日。多少年前的這一天,一小群的英國公民,在此登陸美國。這兩天在維及尼亞州的慶祝活動,讓我對當時的登陸事件有了新的體認。是這個事件影響了美國的長期發展,是這個事件幫著奠定了這個偉大國家的基礎:也就是我們兩國人民所共享的平等,民主,以及法治諸項原則。
2008-12-24 1:03 am
上星期,我有分享與您非凡週年紀念樂趣在我們共同的歷史。 它是特權由那個小小組英國公民加入Jamestown著陸的記念所有那些岁月前。 我的二天在弗吉尼亞给予了我新的洞察力入那些事件,幫助塑造這country' s發展和打根据共有的平等的原则的這個巨大國家的基礎、民主和法规。

參考: 自己
2008-12-23 6:59 pm

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