Ignorance is bliss......?

2008-12-22 2:51 am
does anyone feel this about stuff that concerns them?

回答 (14)

2008-12-22 3:11 am
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Short answer: yes.


In recent days I had a responsibility where I was required to know the pains and sorrows of dozens of people, their hardships and the burdens they carried because of the wrongs they had committed. I began to consider knowledge a heavier and heavier burden. Before this time I was able to look at people and assume they had their bad days but that their lives were generally peaceful. No more. Now, I definitely consider ignorance is bliss simply because I have experienced the opposite: knowldege can be unblissful.

For this reason, I have come to believe that an omniscient God is necessarily a powerful God. It would take unthinkable power to be able to bear the infinite burden of knowing all the pains and sufferings of each member of the human family. It gave me greater respect and appreciation for an all-knowing, all-powerful being.

I certainly prefer ignorance! Much more blissful!
2008-12-22 2:55 am
Oh yes.

While thinking about deep things such as the meaning of life may seem like a good thing... after a bit you find you'd be better off not knowing about these things and proceeding on with life, not being aware of how futile your existence is.

Ignorance most definitely is bliss.

I envy people who never think about things past daily life.

On second thought- no I don't.

But there certainly are advantages.


Did that make sense?
2016-11-06 12:17 pm
lack of awareness isn't something extra then a welcomed excuse for laziness. i've got self belief the 2nd is extra honest because of the fact by know-how no longer purely is there deeper repayment for the attempt given even though it brings a purity to the international it is so actually forgotten with lack of awareness. all every person is given the skill to reason and are available to a decision. Many purposely forged it aside with any of the failings you stated which includes "doubt, discomfort, superstition" or "untameable appetites" one issue you probably did no longer point out which i detect to be the main common is concern. such diverse situations I pay attention human beings say they are too afraid to do something for one reason or yet another. My sought after lyrics to cite at that factor is "concern is only the crutch that tries to hold you back and turn your aims to airborne dirt and dust". concern is what we use to flee what would be puzzling for us. while extremely if we've been dedicated to what we've been doing the 1st issue we would ask is why are we afraid, and pass from there. i think of many human beings have grown week and susceptible to the excuse of consistently saying "i'm able to't try this". on an identical time as some issues are impossible i do no longer think that there is something a risk that somebody can no longer do. can no longer is only saying your will to no longer do something is extra advantageous then your will do to it. So, as quickly as extra, if we are dedicated to doing something we ought to consistently detect the justifications we does not prefer to do something, resolve our self-well worth issues, and choose for it.There has in no way been a quote truer then "while there's a will there's a manner", only determine how stable your "will" is.
2008-12-23 2:52 am
2008-12-22 4:52 am
I would say I disagree with this

Ignorance from the root word ignore means to ignore is bliss... and if you ignore something there's always this little voice that tells you that what you did is not right.

I would rather like it if it goes like this Innocence is bliss.
2008-12-22 3:11 am
We all feel it... but ignorance is most definitely not bliss when you break it down. What is ignorance when compared to knowledge? Even if it is knowledge we don't ask for or want, it's knowledge none the less.
2008-12-22 3:01 am
I wish I was stupid and didn't care or understand anything that went on in the world or my life, because then I wouldn't cry every time something makes me sad and I wouldn't get so depressed with so-called "sad" things happened. i agree that ignorance is bliss, because not understanding means not caring, being able to go on with our lives.
2008-12-22 2:58 am
Sort of, when I'm ignorant I always want to know, but when I know I'd usually rather be ignorant.
2008-12-22 2:58 am
Can be.

when you find out later;
eg; We were fishing in a crocodile infested river in the top end of australia.
We saw swirls in the water, we thought were fish.
Next day we went to a crocodile farm.

we learned there that the swirls were crocs, not fish!

Ignorance was blis. Glad we didn't know the day before.
參考: life
2008-12-22 2:55 am
Often we allow ourselves to become upset about things that are completely beyond or ability to effect them in any way.

It is frustrating and painful and we would be better off if we never knew at all.

Love and blessings Don

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