
2008-12-22 6:21 am
"Stand and fight,sir!'he demanded.'Would you dare run away from me in front of a woman?'
Seeing her companion lay his hand on his sword,Milady touched his arm.
'Remember,delay could ruin our plans.'
'You're right,'he agreed.'Go on your way,and i will go on mine.'
With that,the carriage moved off,the driver cracking his whip.The gentleman jumped on his horse and galloped away in the opposite direction.
'Coward!'D'Artagnan called after him,but he was gone.
D'Artagnan was ready to leave for Paris when he found his letter to Monsieur de Treville was missing.
'My letter!It's gone!'
The innkeeper hastened to protect himself.
'That gentleman must have taken it,sir.He showed great interested in it.'
The letter seemed to be gone for good.All D'Artagnan could do was hope Monsieur de Treville would see him without it.
Monsieur de Treville was a close friend of King Louis Xlll.In those troubled times the ruler of France needed this brave man at his side.Treville led the King's Musketeers,a band of bold men dedicated to protect their King.

回答 (1)

2008-12-23 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
“立場和鬥爭,先生!他要求。請問你敢離家出走從我前面的一個女人? '

看著她的同伴躺在他的手他的劍, Milady摸著他的胳膊。


'你說得對, '他同意。轉到您的方式,我將繼續排雷。


'膽小鬼! '所謂的德玫瑰後他,但他已經走了。




'這紳士必須採取它, sir.He表現出極大的興趣。





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