Reported Speech 一問

2008-12-22 12:15 am
1)Mr Barker said to Joseph,' I want to join your friend's birthday party next Sunday.'
Sally said, ' I have bought 2 large pumpkins for the Halloween party tomorrow.'
3)Alice said,' I met Mei Mei when I was going to school two days ago.'
4)'I cannot join you because I am doing my homework now,' Tom said to Mary
5)'Please come to school at 9 o'clock tomorrow,' Miss Chan said to Class 2F.

1)Mr Barker told Joseph that he wanted to join his friend's birthday party the next Sunday.
2)Sally said that she had bought 2 large pumpkins for the Halloween Party the next day.
3)Alice said that she had met Mei Mei when she had been going to school two days before.
4)Tom told Mary that she couldn't join her because he was doing his homework then.
5)Miss Chan asked Class 2F to come to school at 9 p'clock the next day.

-->我想問係唔係兩個人對話就"一定"要用TOLD... 一個人就咁講就"一定"用SAID THAT, 如果要求人做一d 野就用ASKED...

回答 (1)

2008-12-22 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi ,我想問係唔係兩個人對話就"一定"要用TOLD...
No, you may say " A said to B" too.
一個人就咁講就"一定"用SAID THAT
" said" or " said that" <-------------"that" is optional.
如果要求人做一d 野就用ASKED...
It is polite to use " asked".
To tell someone to do something<-------------- is not so polite.( imperative)
1)Mr Barker told Joseph that he wanted to join his friend's birthday party the next Sunday( the following Sunday).
"Mr Barker said to Joseph"<------It is correct too.
" Told" is used by many people tho.

2)Sally said that she had bought 2 large pumpkins for the Halloween Party the next day( the following day). ( You may type out the number"2")

3)Alice said that she had met Mei Mei when she had been going to school two days before.
4)Tom told Mary that he couldn't join her because he was doing his homework then. ( ONE MISTAKE HERE)
5)Miss Chan asked Class 2F to come to school at 9 p'clock the next day( the following day).


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