2008-12-21 7:56 pm

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2008-12-22 9:18 am
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德文名 Der Flohwalzer
荷蘭名 Vlooienmars
The Flea Waltz (Der Flohwalzer in German) is a simple piano piece, often one of the first learned
It is known all over the world. According to an article by Hiromi Oketani in the Osaka Shoin Women's College Annual for 1994, it is known in Japan as Neko Funjatta (I Stepped on the Cat), in Spain as La Chocolatera, in the Netherlands as Vlooienmars (Flea March), in Belgium as Valse des Puces (Flea Waltz), in Russia as Sobachiy Val's (Dog Waltz), in Bulgaria as Koteshki Marsh (Cat March), in Hungary as Szamrindul (Donkey March), in Majorca as Polca de los Tontos (Fools' Polka), and in Denmark as Prinsesse Toben (Princess Two-Legs). In Mexico it is called Los Changuitos (The Little Monkeys) and in Finland Kissanpolkka (Cat Polka). In China it is called “小偷進行曲” (Thief March).
The piece is in the key of F-sharp or G-flat. Most of its notes are played on black keys.
The composer is unknown. A book by Eric Baumann attributes the piece to Ferdinand Loh, but this is obviously a joke (F. Loh = Floh—“flea” in German).
An elaborate variation on this piece, “Lesson One,” was a hit in 1962 for Russ Conway.

而Chopsticks係查理.卓別林Charles Chaplin用筷子玩麵包嗰首
2008-12-21 8:02 pm

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