”for subsistence” 點解?

2008-12-21 7:40 pm
"Wild animals killed for subsistence"
是否: 殺野生動物為了獵食生存。
小妹解不通, 幫幫忙?
Bushmeat (calque from the French viande de brousse) is the term commonly used for meat of terrestrial wild animals, killed for subsistence or commercial purposes throughout the humid tropics of the Americas, Asia and Africa. However, originally the term was only used to describe the hunting of wild animals in West and Central Africa.


回答 (3)

2008-12-21 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案

是否: 殺野生動物為了獵食生存。
No, it means " 野生動物為了生存 被殺<----------------
killed for subsistence or commercial purposes <--------
Wild animals ( that are) killed for <------------- Implies passive voice!!!

It means hunters from the humid tropics of America, Asia and Africa kill these wild animals for commerical purposes( For example, they want their furs. Furs are expensive)
Wild animals also get killed for subsistence.<---------

It means " In order to survive, these wild animals often get killed by
other wild animals ." ( or wild animals attack humans, so they get shot.)


2008-12-21 14:35:31 補充:
There is something called " subsistence hunting" too. Check out this site!

2008-12-21 14:42:07 補充:


2008-12-21 15:01:33 補充:
Note: Some hunters hunt wild animals for commerical sales too. ( Some people like eating wild animals.)

Here is another link for you.

2008-12-21 15:01:51 補充:

2008-12-21 15:03:46 補充:
"""Bush meat is on restaurant menus throughout Africa and Europe. Monkey meat is smuggled into the United Kingdom where it is surreptitiously sold in butcher shops.

2008-12-21 15:04:11 補充:
It has been estimated that over one million tons of bush meat is harvested in the Congo Basin every year and that the bush meat trade in central and western Africa is worth more than one billion dollars annually.***

2008-12-21 15:15:30 補充:
killed for subsistence <-------should mean " hunters kill these wild animals for a living." according to the provided links above.

2008-12-21 22:20:29 補充:
Plastic girl, it is kinda messy here. *****************

Please go check your email for my added explanations.
2008-12-22 5:30 am
參考: me
2008-12-21 7:46 pm
"Wild animals killed for subsistence"解殺野生動物為了獵食生存

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