物理--contact in bodies(斜面題)

2008-12-21 3:32 pm


The model answer is B . ( Maybe wrong )
I cannot solve it .
Please help.

回答 (3)

2008-12-29 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
A. F = 2mg

Only one force act on the block, which is perpendicular to the incline surface, point to left top.
Let it be A (N)

Resolve A to two vectors: Acos45 (upword) and A sin45 (left).

As the block is stationary relative to the inclined body,
Two body is accelerating to the left governed by F = 2ma.

The block is also accelerating to the left.
Asin45 = ma ...... (1)

Acos45 = mg ....... (2)

a = g

F = 2ma = 2mg
2008-12-21 10:18 pm
點解你唔去借or 買本solution,咁就唔洗晒時間問了

2008-12-29 17:02:57 補充:
信我吧!真的有本solution的。呢本係mastering Advanced Physics 嘛,有solution 架
2008-12-21 8:39 pm
似A喎個答案 重2M
推動佢咪 2mg 好似唔關佢個斜面事
參考: self

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