這個我自己已經有翻完了 不過感覺很弔詭 所以想問問看知識+的專家们的譯法 謝謝 給予豐厚點數。 急
Dear Student,
The following questionnaire survey is being used to evaluate the use of the two kinds of crosswords used this semester for class tests: (i) crosswords with a reading on the back and (ii) crosswords without a reading on the back.
The information provided through the questionnaire surveys will be used for research purposes and to improve the quality of course assessment and testing. Your responses to this questionnaire survey will be confidential. No student will be identified by his or her responses.
Your response is very important to the success of this evaluation and research. The information you provide is important not only for improving the quality of assessment and testing used in the course(s) where crosswords were used but also in order to improve the quality of your learning experience.
It should only take you a few minutes to complete the questionnaire survey. I very much appreciate your completing and returning of the questionnaire survey.
Thank you.
Martin Murray
CONFIDENTIAL Questionnaire Survey