
2008-12-21 11:38 pm
The Kansai builders recogised that settlement was inevitable. Sand was driven into the seabed to strengthen it before the land fill was piled on top, in an attempt to slow the process; but this has not been as effective as had been hoped. To cope with settlement, Kansai's giant terminal is supposted on 900 pillars. Each of them can be individually built jacked up, allowing wedges to be added underneath. That is meant to keep the building level. But it could be a tricky task.
這是一段關於興建機場的土木工和的文章,因為藍色字之前的文字我沒有完全理解,以致於不懂為何文末說That is meant to keep the building level,請英文達人解釋一下,謝謝了。

回答 (2)

2008-12-22 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Kansai builders recognized that settlement was inevitable. Sand was driven intothe seabed to strengthen it before the landfill was piled on top, inan attempt to slow the process; but this has not been as effective ashad been hoped. To cope with settlement, Kansai's giant terminal issupposted on 900 pillars. Each of them can be individually builtjacked up, allowing wedges to be added underneath. That is meant to keep the building level. But it could be a tricky task.

關西的建築人體認下沉是不可避免的,沙子在填海物堆疊以前就會被(海浪)帶到海底堆積去強固它(指地基),以前是有這個想法,認為可減緩這情形(下沉); 但這個是辦不到的(實驗過了,注意文章用過去完成式). 為了對付下沉, 關西的大航空站被建議用900根柱子. 每根柱子可單獨地被頂起,讓卡榫部可以直接加在下面. 也就是說可以讓建築保持一定的高度.

請參考以下網站. ( 關西的機場是建築在海面上的)


2008-12-21 16:52:45 補充:
But it could be a trick task. 但是它也有可能是爛方法.
參考: 18
2008-12-22 2:44 am


除了最後一句,"But it could be a tricky task."

這裡是說,"是一個棘手的任務", 不是爛方法.


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