what is simplify xy² ÷ xy?

2008-12-20 1:44 pm

回答 (14)

2008-12-20 1:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
xy² / xy ...................ELIMINATE (CANCEL) as many variables as you can

x cancels x
y cancels y

= y

Only a y in the numerator remains.

2008-12-20 10:25 pm
= xy(y)/xy
= y
2008-12-20 9:58 pm
Subtract the exponents in the denominator from the exponents in the numerator for both x and y (separately).

1-1=0, so x^0, or 1

2-1=1, so y^1, or y

As both are positive, they go in the numerator over 1, so multiply 1*y and divide it by 1 to get y.

So the answer is y.
2008-12-20 9:53 pm
2008-12-20 9:51 pm

Let's do it:

(xy²)/(xy) =

y²/y =


That's it :D.

∴ y

Bye hope it helped!!
參考: Self-Knowledge
2008-12-20 9:49 pm
xy² ÷ xy=y(x & x cancels & y² ÷y=y)
2008-12-20 9:48 pm
xy² ÷ xy
y² ÷ y
2008-12-20 9:48 pm
xy² ÷ xy

can be written as

xy² / xy


x * y * y / x*y

the x and one y gets canceled and
only y is left so

=y is the answer
2008-12-20 9:47 pm
xy² / xy ...................ELIMINATE (CANCEL) as many variables as you can

x cancels x
y cancels y

= y

Only a y in the numerator remains.

2008-12-20 9:47 pm

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