Where did the term sheeple come from?

2008-12-20 8:35 am
Where did the word sheeple originate??? I know is a pejorative used against most of the mindless public but what writer, politician or social commentator came up with this?.....

Can you be more specific fatefinger?.... What malitia group? --- Besides a few patriots the ony other guy I heard use this was William Cooper from Hour Of The Times --- Before his death at the hands of the police or hit murder crew depending on who you believe....

回答 (2)

2008-12-20 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think it originates from the same group that uses it the most: the insane conspiricy nut group. We all know them, I personally hate them and their inability to accept their wrong on something no matter how much you prove their claim to be bullshit. I have spent years arguing these people and I can't think of a more creative bunch to of created the term. Because it takes one detached from reality to come up with such a term.

I could bring up some personal cases of dealing with these idiots. And the sad part is I probably have more guns and ammo then most of them do. Save the hardcore militia people that poision the public view of what a militia really is. But even then I'm comparible on supplies.
參考: "Bitter"
2008-12-20 4:39 pm
Marilyn Manson has used this term in his song

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