projection and forecast 有甚麼分別呢

2008-12-21 2:31 am
projection and forecast 有甚麼分別呢

回答 (2)

2008-12-21 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
projection - 投射 / 放映

forecast - 預報 / 預測
I listened to the weather forcast.

所以佢地既主要分別係 project --- 用來看的
forcast --- 用來聽的

2008-12-20 19:09:24 補充:
所以佢地既主要分別係 projection --- 用來看的

forcast --- 用來聽的
2008-12-23 1:17 pm
projection - the calculation of some future thing (eg. annual expenses, growth, profit, etc.)
forecast - the prediction of some future condition or occurrence (eg. weather)

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