Father calling cops on me?! His own son?!?

2008-12-20 5:12 am
Ever since this morning my father and stepmother have been hating on me lately.

Since I didn't go to school this morning (I wasn't supposed to anyways due to family trip, and they knew that), they threw a big fit. Around 2 or 3 hours ago the school called and said I had saturday school, which is simple to get out of, i just write a note when vacation ends and turn it into the school. But, besides that, my dad threaten to call the cops on me if I don't go to Saturday school tomorrow. He's used this threat on me many times, but I was wondering is it possible for him to call the cops, and tell me anything?

Let me add some extra details so you guys can understand the situation better. I woke up at 5:30 AM this morning to get ready and go to my brothers house, and then leave to visit my mother, which was planned days ahead. When I woke up, they started to question where I was going, even though they knew the plan. They told me that I wasn't leaving till Saturday night, so it came to me that they changed plans I HAD MADE WITH MY BROTHER, PLANS THAT MY PARENTS WERE OK WITH, just because they wanted to. I even asked them for a reason, and they gave no response. My stepmom told me to sleep since I had lost alot of time, and school was a waste today, since it was the last day and there were only parties and such. I stayed home, and did some final packing and such. My dad came home and started yelling, saying I was getting kicked out of school. We got into an argument about the Saturday school, and I tried to be rational but he threw it out of proportion. BTW, I'm 17.

回答 (12)

2008-12-20 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your Dad was mad because you obviously did something to get Saturday school. So, do your time, and it will be over with.
2008-12-20 5:18 am
well obviously there is no "family trip'. Otherwise you wouldn't have been home to even go to school today or tom. for that matter. On the other hand, if both dad and step-mom already gave permission for you to skip school, it sounds extreme to call the cops. I think there's more to this than your telling us.
2008-12-20 5:24 am
Yes, it's possible for him to call the cops. I know someone who called the cops too because her son didn't go to school. However, think about that, why your dad call the cops? because you don't go to school. Even though its saturday school, he think you can learn something from there. He want s you to be educated. Other wise why don't he save his energy to do something else or watch tv relax. Because he;s too boring and have nothing to do? so he call the cops and give you some trouble? No, dont think about that. You are lucky that have a dad who cares about you. Some people might not as lucky as you. Like my dad, while I was doing my homework he shut all the light and tell me sleep. how crazy is that.
2008-12-20 5:18 am
yes... he can, but you will only get taken to school by the popos or cited for truency... if he does he is retarded because he will be the one facing charges in court if you exceed truency "limits"
參考: i am a 26 year old drop out...ditched more school than i attended. I do not suggest this route, but hey... you asked a question, i gave the answer
2008-12-20 5:17 am
What in the hell is he going to tell them? Are you 16 yet? Cops usually have nothing better to do so they might come harass you, its not like you are committing a crime though. In the end they will probably be pissed at your dad since he pulled them away from Dunkin Donuts. At any rate, I wouldn't want to go to school on Saturday either.
2008-12-20 5:16 am
He can call them, but they can't do anything since you didn't do anything wrong. The cops will prolly get P'd Off because your dad is wasting their time, though.
2008-12-20 5:15 am
WHAT dad calling his own son why cant he just talk to you
about doing that
2008-12-20 12:14 pm
Can't you stay with your mother or grandparents? You are 17 years old which makes it easier for you to stay with a close relative. If at all possible, you need to get out of that home. There is no clear structure and expectations. Step mother says one thing, father says another, you getting caught in the middle. You need to stay where there is one rule, and consistency. As for the cop threat, never take those things lightly being 17 and a male. You need to remove yourself from that environment asap! Go to Saturday school, get a job on the side, pass your classes for your future sake, volunteer for extra work at school (pass it off as regular schoolwork hours). Keep yourself scarce at home until you can leave altogether. You need to have relatives in this instant to help you.

Wishing all works out.
2008-12-20 5:45 am
The only thing that will happen is that as you are over 16 or whatever you are not required to live at home therefore the only thing the police can do is remove you from the premisis and if your dad wants to they can charge you with trespassing. But with the whole school thing you dont have to go the police cant make you just explaine what happened their usually on the kids side if you have had no priors.
參考: Its happend to me before :)
2008-12-20 5:17 am
That is not a police matter and they will not respond to it. However your father has good reason to be angry with you. You deserve to be severely punished.

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