”shit you”

2008-12-20 6:39 am
What's the meaning of this?

回答 (4)

2008-12-20 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 拉(屎)
2. 對...胡扯;取笑;企圖欺騙

1. 屎,糞便
2. 拉屎
3. 蹩腳貨,一錢不值的東西
4. 可鄙的人;愚蠢的傢伙
5. 胡說八道;謊言;愚蠢
6. 大麻;毒品
7. 腹瀉

參考: Yahoo字典
2008-12-21 6:58 pm
vi.拉屎, <俚>對...胡扯, 企圖欺騙, 取笑
n.糞, 屎
2008-12-21 4:25 am
It is a bad language.
2008-12-20 8:08 am
You are shit*ing me = You are lying to me. = You are not honest with me.
I shi* you not. = I am honest with you.= I am not lying to you.
I am just shit*ing ya. = I am just kidding you. ( this is not true)

I don't suggest you use all these at school.
It is kinda rude!


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