作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival

2008-12-20 6:06 am
作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章,我小五 ,要作Chirstmas作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章,我小五 ,要作Chirstmas作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章,我小五 ,要作Chirstmas作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章,我小五 ,要作Chirstmas作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章,我小五 ,要作Chirstmas作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章,我小五 ,要作Chirstmas作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章,我小五 ,要作Chirstmas thx thx

回答 (5)

2008-12-27 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Today is Christmas. I got up early because I wanted to check that if there is any presents is my shockings near my bed. Oh! What a beautiful present in the shockings!

I ran out to mum and told her that Santa Claus gave me a present. Mum laughed and told me that this gift was given by aunt May. Aunt May know me that I like playing computer games so she gave me a PSP to me! Thanks aunt May!

Then, we went out for a walk in the Vactoria Harbour. The sea wind was blown to me and I felt that it was soft. After that, we went shopping the shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui.

It almost night. Therefore, we went to have a dinner in a western restaurant. The food was delicious!

Next, we went back to the Vactoria Harbour to look the Christmas lights. They were all very bright!

Today was a wonderful day!
參考: me
2008-12-27 6:36 am
I think a wonderful festival must be Christmas . In Christmas we can go shopping with our friends . There 's have a story about Santa Claus , when we were sleeping , Santa Claus will give us presents which you wanted . But Santa Claus will only give the present to the clever children . But however this is only a story . But your father will dress up as a Santa Claus . You must put a sock near your bed , the Santa Claus will give your a present .
參考: me
2008-12-20 6:29 am
me too= =我要!!!好煩呀!

2008-12-19 22:29:35 補充:

2008-12-19 22:29:58 補充:
參考: me
2008-12-20 6:27 am
要作Chirstmas作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章,我小4.
2008-12-20 6:09 am
作一篇關於A Wonderful Festival的文章.我小六作.

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