LCD 電腦

2008-12-20 12:17 am
本人最近換了 22寸電腦屏幕,上網的時候畫面字體是清晰的,之不過上網畫面是集中中間or一邊,晤會像用 15寸或19寸屏幕上網畫面會用盡整個畫面,但我可以調整右下角之%,如果調整至125%就會有時出現字疊字情形,我已將電腦調整至1920最高解像度,請各方電腦好手幫幫忙,怎樣可以用盡上網畫面而又清晰???


回答 (2)

2008-12-24 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think that is normal.

It is because most most most web pages are designed for 1024 x 768 screen. And your PC setting is in a higher resolution. Therefore the web pages seem like using the middle part only.

I use 1680x1050 on my 22 inch LCD monitor, when I view yahoo, basically the 2 sides are white space, not being used at all. This is normal.

If you use other applications such as Excel, you can definitely use all the entire screen to view more things. In my 1680x1050 resolution screen, I can view column A to Z in 1 screen at the 100% zoom view at default font size.
參考: myself
2008-12-29 10:16 pm
並排顯示,尤於wide screen中使用

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