銀行按揭 & HIBOR plan 有咩分別?

2008-12-19 8:32 pm
P- 同 HIBOR plan 有咩分別?

回答 (3)

2013-06-27 7:30 pm
GIC環球信貸提供樓宇貸款、居屋貸款,Mortgage服務,毋需任何費用或入息證明,特快8分鐘批核,不論任何物業及樓齡,為您的物業套現樓宇套現方便快捷。物業趕住成交? 環球信貸三天幫你辦妥, 按揭足8成半. 如有現契在手, 一天內就有錢到手, 不限物業種類及樓齡, 毋需入息證明. 歡迎自僱或退休人士申請 ......
2008-12-24 1:08 am
P plan 係跟最優惠利率做按息。 HIBOR plan 係按息跟同業拆息走。

而家最優惠利率唔減, 但拆息回順, 好似 hibor plan 好d。 但要睇下未來拆息會唔會大幅波動。不過 HIBOR PLAN 係有 CAP 的, 你可以睇下以下的文

2008-12-20 12:01 am
Nowsdays, banks in HK offer 2 types of mortgage loan rate: Prime (P) and HIBOR (H). Current P are either 5.00% (HSBC, Bank of China and Hang Seng Bank) or 5.25% (all others). They normally quote P-1.25%. Therefore, mortgage loan interest cost for you become 5.25%-1.25% = 4%. The prime rate can be adjusted but not very frequent. On the contrary, H is floating everyday as it is fixed everyday by different banks. Bank normally quotes 3 month HIBOR + 0.5%, which was certainly lower than 4% as 3 month HIBOR today was fixed at 1.10%, that means 1.6%. However, you must bear in mind that HIBOR is very volatile and beat up to 20% in 1997! Therefore, HIBOR plan is much more risky than P plan.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:18:44
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