Pronouciation of a Vietnamese name Nguyen?

2008-12-18 6:03 pm
I bet my friend I could find out is full name first, middle and last by tomorrow. I already knew his first and last name and just today I found out his middle name which is "Nguyen" I understand is a popular last name. Anyways the catch is I can say it.... Could someone give me the pronoucation.

回答 (12)

2008-12-18 10:36 pm
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The "ng" phoneme is the only phoneme which exists in the English language which can be pronounced medially (in the middle of a word), as well as terminally (at the end of a word), but which cannot be pronounced initially (right; at the beginning). You can say singing without any problem. But nginging just won't come out, at least not without working at it. Which is what you have to do. But practice saying "singing-ing-ing-ing, and you can begin to isolate this phoneme for initial pronounciation. Once you've achieved this, apply it to the Nguyen name. There is a "w" phoneme, becouse of the u following the ng, just like there is following any q with a u after it in English. And the uy of the word is pronounce like a long e: ngwee-yen(g). The (g) is about regional dialect: southern accent pronounces the terminal n as ng; northern simply as n.

This is if you want to pronounce it like it is in Vietnamese, unlike all the answers before this one, which are Americanizations, or Anglicizations of the name.
參考: fluent in Vietnamese
2008-12-19 4:10 am
It's pronounced "knu-win" but say it fast so it becomes like one sound.
2008-12-21 1:52 am
No it is not really pronounced "win" at all, but most people prefer to pronounce it that way because it's easy.
The real way to pronounce it It's hard to explain sorry. You can ask a Vietnamese person how to pronounce it.
參考: Last name is Nguyen
2008-12-21 3:41 am
Right. It's easy to hear someone pronouncing it and follow their way, but it's hard to explain it into words.
It is totally NOT pronounced like "win" and you have to curve your voice when you say it because there's an accent mark on it.
2008-12-20 3:08 am
Is it N gou- yen?
By the way, can we learn creole in Vietnam?
2008-12-19 3:43 pm
Just pronounce it "win" and nobody will complain. The actual pronunciation is close to that but has tones and nuances the western tongue needs to practice to get right.
參考: Living in Vietnam for 17 years
2008-12-21 3:26 pm
English People tend to say NU- WIN

Vietnamese would say much more complicated and hard to post on here

Hope it helps!
2008-12-19 2:15 am
"win" thats how you say it i have a friend named Dang Nguyen and we say it dang win
2008-12-19 2:11 am
Just like that, pronounce it like the word 'win.'
Similar to the American last name Wynn...
2008-12-19 2:10 am

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