我想申請美國簽證, 但不知申請成功機會率如何, 近來加了價, 請問最近審批有沒有放寬了一點呢? (因為金融海嘯, 美國窮)。
我的情況是︰我是一位兼職碩士學生, 也是鋼琴教師, 沒有入息証明, 自由工, 沒有樓, 沒有車, 沒有商業登記, 只去過歐洲, 東南亞等地方。
我是否要找個僱主幫我寫公司信? 領事館會否仔細查我的工作情況的?
若自己辦間公司, 有商業登記, 會否容易批啲?
回答 (3)
✔ 最佳答案
妳既情況, 真係好睇彩數. 單身女仔, 一定較難 ka la. 但我都有好多女性朋友申請到. 佢地有收入証明就好 D lor.
我 lum 妳都必須要搵間琴室. 出封信話妳係佢地道教琴 lor. 另外, 帶埋妳既鋼琴教授証明之類. 加埋學生証. 總之盡量帶晒 D 資料啦. 搏一搏 lor.
但冇聽聞依家美國放寬左 wor.
don't get misleading the ecnomic has make US become poor country. you watched too much local news la. there are still vey far from the word -- poor .
so it is nothing to do by try to make money out from visa approve.
the main point is to let the embassy believe you will return to HK. special you are single female.
as you are college student, so bring the school ID as proof too.
how about your family? it also can prove you will back to HK because your family is there.
you can join the travel group or go with few friends.....
Based on your situation, it will be difficult to you.
Economic problem has nothing to do with approval.
The best way for you to do so is go with a tour. In this case, since your travel is pre-arranged, you will easily get the approval.
Otherwise, it will be luck.
收錄日期: 2021-04-19 12:53:23
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