
2008-12-19 7:18 am
around the world believe celebrate
costumes gather one another
look forward to good harvest wash away

1.The farmers are happy because they have__________this year.

2.In America,families_______together to celebrate Thanksaiving Day.

3.I love travelling.I hope that I can travel________when I grow up.

4.At the Water Festival Thai people splash water on _______.
They________that water can_________bad luck.That is why they
all__________this festival every year.

5.In Hong Kong,more and more people________Halloween.Children dress up in__________and some of them go to parties.

選擇生字如下 around the world believe celebrate costumes gather one another look forward to good harvest wash away

回答 (2)

2008-12-19 12:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.good harvest (好收穫)
2.gather (聚集)
3.around the world (環遊世界)
4.one another (對方)
believe (相信)
wash away (洗走)
look forward to (期待)
5.celebrate (慶祝)
costumes (服裝)
2008-12-19 7:41 am
1.The farmers are happy because they have good harvest this year.

2.In America,families gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

3.I love travelling.I hope that I can travel around the world when I grow up.

4.At the Water Festival Thai people splash water on one another.
They believe that water can wash away bad luck.That is why they
all look forward to this festival every year.

5.In Hong Kong,more and more people celebrate Halloween.Children dress up in costumes and some of them go to parties.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 14:02:29
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