
2008-12-19 3:18 am

回答 (4)

2008-12-19 4:51 am
In this bright and crisp fall days' September, we are welcoming the fall sunlight, is following the season which harvests, has welcomed the cheerful splendid school games. Very early, the entire school teachers and students arrived at the athletic field, some of them arrange the location, some reorganization clothing, some imposition movement equipment, is busy the delight, the silent athletic field lives it up all of a sudden originally.
Along with the announcement games official start, various class of troop enters the stadium in turn. This time the marching song suddenly resounds, another class and grade is arranging the neat formation, walks in big strides to the chairman's podium. Their all attire fresh 豔, is with smile on the face, strides bravely forward, demonstrates youth's unique vitality and the vigor. When the congress announced that the movement competition official start, the entire athletic field seethes with excitement immediately, refuels cheers the sound continuously, winds does not reel off silk 絕. You looked in that diameter athletic field the athlete, one each one like rectifies the rabbit to fly from the beginning, the favorable arrow fires into the end point likely, caused that the audience on the scene is excited. No matter contestant whether to obtain first, they can obtain audience's praising and encourage. Because in audience's heart, these athletes displayed indomitably, strove for success tenaciously the sports spirit, they were in the athletic field heroes, was the trade school “Liu Xiang”.
2008-12-19 3:48 am
n this bright and crisp fall days of September, we are welcoming the fall sunlight, following the season which harvests, welcomeing the cheerful splendid school games. Very early in the morning, the entire school teachers and students have arrived at the athletic field, some of them arrange the location, some reorganize their clothing, some settle the equipment, all of them are busy as a bee, the silent athletic field has lived up all of a sudden. Along with the announcement games official start, various class of troop enters the stadium in turn. This time the marching song suddenly resounds, another class and grade is arranging the neat formation, walking in big strides to the podium. They are all attire colourfully, with smile on their face, strides bravely forward, demonstrates youth's unique vitality and the vigor. When the congress announced that the competition started, the entire athletic field immediately seethes with excitement, refuels cheers continuously. You looked at the athlete on the track, everyone like a rectifies rabbit flying away from the starting line, the favorable arrow fires into the end point likely, caused that the audience on the scene is excited. No matter contestant whether obtain the first, they can obtain audience's praising and encourage. Because in audience's heart, these athletes displayed indomitably, strove for success tenaciously the sports spirit, they were in the athletic field heroes, was the trade school "Liu Xiang".

2008-12-18 19:49:24 補充:
The female 800 meter and the male 1500 meters are test the contestant physical strength and the will project. Although it was inferior that runs the dash such exhilaratingly, thrilling, but absolutely more touching than the sprint.

2008-12-18 19:49:48 補充:
Not only in the competition, the contestant must face is on body's test, is in the psychological test.

2008-12-18 19:49:58 補充:
Participates in this project the athlete manifested truly has striven for success diligently, never conceded the sportsmanship, it gave our feeling far many which must enrich compared to the result.

2008-12-18 19:50:09 補充:
Looks in that field again, athlete are also itching for a fight, does not show weakness. The high jump long jump's athlete to obtain a better result, spells tries, even if is defeated does not give up.

2008-12-18 19:50:28 補充:
They take the firm step facing the goal, jumped time and time again. This kind of superego spirit is individual great wealth unceasingly, will be the future can walk the Gauguin far stable cornerstone.

2008-12-18 19:50:42 補充:
Participates in the shot competition's contestant mutual competition, the result more throws is farther. In their hand's shot turned hopfully as if one each one made a vow the ball, was pursuing own dream unceasingly.

2008-12-18 19:51:13 補充:
The games demonstrates the student youth elegant demeanor, the test physical ability and the psychological concrete practice.

2008-12-18 19:51:20 補充:
What it exercises is the physical strength, what starts is the life, what brings honor is the individuality and the young blood, what harvests is the smiling face and the spiritual outlook.

2008-12-18 19:51:24 補充:
All contestants the match achieved the result at this games, the match left the style, has carried forward the friendship first, competed the second spirit, searched more brilliance and the dream in the competition, has created more happiness and the magnificence in the competition.

2008-12-18 19:54:02 補充:
雖然d grammar 係有小小錯........
2008-12-19 3:31 am
In this bright and crisp fall days' nine months, we are welcoming the fall sunlight, is following the season which harvests, has welcomed the cheerful splendid school games.
Very early, the entire school teachers and students arrived at the athletic field, some of them arrange the location, some reorganization clothing, some imposition movement equipment, is busy the delight, the silent athletic field lives it up all of a sudden originally.

Along with the announcement games official start, various class of troop enters the stadium in turn. This time the marching song suddenly resounds, another class and grade is arranging the neat formation, walks in big strides to the chairman's podium. Their all attire fresh , is with smile on the face, strides bravely forward, demonstrates youth's unique vitality and the vigor.

2008-12-18 19:31:52 補充:
Along with the announcement games official start, various class of troop enters the stadium in turn. This time the marching song suddenly resounds, another class and grade is arranging the neat formation,

2008-12-18 19:32:22 補充:
This time the marching song suddenly resounds, another class and grade is arranging the neat formation,

2008-12-18 19:32:51 補充:
walks in big strides to the chairman's podium. Their all attire fresh , is with smile on the face, strides bravely forward, demonstrates youth's unique vitality and the vigor.

2008-12-18 19:34:29 補充:
Sorry, it is so long. I send it to you in E-Mail.

2008-12-18 19:35:24 補充:
What is your E-mail?
2008-12-19 3:29 am
In this bright and crisp fall days' September, we are welcoming the fall sunlight, is following the season which harvests, has welcomed the cheerful splendid school games.
Very early, the entire school teachers and students arrived at the athletic field, some of them arrange the location, some reorganization clothing, some imposition movement equipment, is busy the delight, the silent athletic field lives it up all of a sudden originally....

2008-12-18 19:31:06 補充:
Along with the announcement games official start, various class of troop enters the stadium in turn. This time the marching song suddenly resounds, another

2008-12-18 19:31:27 補充:
class and grade is arranging the neat formation, walks in big strides to the chairman's podium. Their all attire fresh , is with smile on the face, strides

2008-12-18 19:31:42 補充:
bravely forward, demonstrates youth's unique vitality and the vigor.
When the congress announced that the movement competition official start, the

2008-12-18 19:31:57 補充:
entire athletic field seethes with excitement immediately, refuels cheers the sound continuously, winds does not reel off silk . You looked in that diameter

2008-12-18 19:32:09 補充:
athletic field the athlete, one each one like rectifies the rabbit to fly from the beginning, the favorable arrow fires into the end point likely, caused that the audience on the scene is excited. No matter contestant whether to obtain first,

2008-12-18 19:32:21 補充:
they can obtain audience's praising and encourage. Because in audience's heart, these athletes displayed indomitably, strove for success tenaciously the sports spirit, they were in the athletic field heroes, was the trade school “Liu Xiang”.

2008-12-18 19:36:18 補充:
The female 800 meter and the male 1500 meters are test the contestant physical strength and the will project. Although it was inferior that runs the dash such exhilaratingly, thrilling, but the contrast dash is more moving. Not only in the

2008-12-18 19:36:31 補充:
competition, the contestant must face is on body's test, is in the psychological test. Participates in this project the athlete manifested truly has striven for success diligently, never conceded the sportsmanship, it gave our feeling far

2008-12-18 19:36:52 補充:
many which must enrich compared to the result. Looks in that field athletic field again athlete, also is itching for a fight, does not show weakness. The high jump long jump's athlete to obtain a better result, spells tries, even if is defeated

2008-12-18 19:37:14 補充:
does not give up. They take the firm step facing the goal, jumped time and time again. This kind of superego spirit is individual great wealth unceasingly, will be the future can walk the Gauguin far stable cornerstone. Participates in the

2008-12-18 19:37:49 補充:
shot competition's contestant mutual competition, the result more throws is farther. In their hand's shot turned hopfully as if one each one made a vow the ball, was pursuing own dream unceasingly. The games demonstrates the

2008-12-18 19:38:03 補充:
student youth elegant demeanor, the test physical ability and the psychological concrete practice. What it exercises is the physical strength, what starts is the life, what brings honor is the individuality and the young blood, what harvests

2008-12-18 19:38:17 補充:
is the smiling face and the spiritual outlook. All contestants the match achieved the result at this games, the match left the style, has carried forward the friendship first, competed the second spirit, searched more brilliance and the

2008-12-18 19:38:24 補充:
dream in the competition, has created more happiness and the magnificence in the competition.
參考: yahoo

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