我想砌機 , please 幫手睇下

2008-12-18 9:18 pm
hi i m about to build a new pc and this is my first time so can all of you experters tell me what i m missing and what i need and can please tell me if the price is right thank you i appreciate it here is the list

the guy who sold me the whole package deal for 2600 $ hks

e8400 dual-core 3.0 ghz 640 $ hks second hand

kingston 2 gig ram free

geforce 9300 256 mb free

motherboard unknown 640 $ hks

maxwell 320 gb hardrive 400 $ second hand

750w power supply dont know the brand 640 $ second hand

cooler master cooling system 400 $ hks or one big 23 inch exhaust fan whole pc get to feel the winter 24 hours lol 240 $ hks or cheaper

anyway this is my thing please all of you experts tell me what else i m missing thank you 1000 thank you

i know the second hand thing sounds lame but this is all i can afford in the time like this so please

thanks hks

回答 (1)

2008-12-18 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If I were you, I will pass this one.

I know you are under a stringent budget but the price tag is simply too high.

For instance, you don't even know the brand and model of the MB but it costs you $640. How could that be? Motherboard is very very important. Is it P45? A second hand Maxwell 320G hard disc for $450? e8400 for $640? YOU MUST BE KIDDING. You know how much is a new one? Also, why you need a cooling system? 9300 isn't that difficult to handle.

If you have no idea what you are getting, I prefer going for a package which costs you approximately the same but comprises all new hardware. Go to those computer plaza and you can get a new PC for less than $2,000 (if you so wish).

If you don't play online games, you can forget about the graphics card unless you have a decent monitor.

Check the prices for hardware, click the link below:


If you really want to buy this one, see if you can get a bargain. I would say $2,000 since all of the hardware are second hand stuff.

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